Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lost Spirit...

Appalachian Alchemists
Weaving Gold from farmer's grist
Whiskey Stills
and Copper Pills
Magick Wyrm cools vapor mists

Shine down from a Whiskey Moon
Silver Gift and Nature's Boon
Corn Cob Wands
and Thumper Pots
Mountain Spells from Summers' June

Lightning flash in jar of White
Burning Soul, distilled delight
Mountain Streams
yield Moonshine Beams
Corn-fed Wizards, dark of night

Wisdom cast in Silver hues
Blessing born of Mountain Dews
Love's Desire
from Smoke and Fire
Ancient kin-folk's hidden brews

Inspiration Distillate
Poet's Draught, inebriate
Charcoal Casks
and Secret Flasks
Of this Spirit, Celebrate

**editor's note - the first stanza popped into my head as I was trying to fall asleep last night, and it's been on my mind ever since for some reason, despite my best efforts to forget it.  The rest of the poem built from there.  I guess I miss whiskey more than I realized.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


They gave us too many fortune cookies
Twenty or more
What are two people
supposed to do
with twenty fortune cookies?
Three of them
Not normal
Not like the others
Not really fortune cookies
at all
One appeared to be
only two-thirds
of a cookie
folded in the wrong place
as if the dough
had fallen
halfway out of the mold
in the machine
at the fortune cookie factory
Another had the folded
paper fortune
sticking out one end
like an impertinent tounge
ready to deliver
a raspberry
a paper bronx cheer
rather than prognostication
And the last
the poor devil
the poor, sad little fuck
was simply crushed
and broken
and useless
Not even a cookie anymore
and no fortune inside at all
I took up these three lost charms
these empty, broken spells
and I cast them
into the trash
because that is where
the broken things go

**editor's note - This all came to me in a flash last night as I stood at my kitchen counter shortly after arriving home from work.  I believe it is the fruit born of the creative exercise I posted yesterday afternoon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Creative Exercise...

Felt the need to write something, especially since I didn't write yesterday.  But couldn't really figure out anything to say.  (My perennial problem.)  So, I just started typing out stream-of-consciousness, to see what it turned into, and this is what came out.

What am I putting here?
Are we recording?
Is this thing on?
Are you on?
Are you on to me?
Can anyone see me?
Hello hello hello
Hey hey hey
What're we doing today?
What's on the menu this evening, sir?
Lust for life
Live to lust
Where did it go?
How old am I?
Do I really want to know?
Why did it happen?
And when did it stop?
Will I ever get it back?
Is it gone for good?
Is there anything left?
Scraps on the table
Crumbs on the floor
No one to play Lover now
The X marks the door
Leave!  Leave, and never return!
But the path is blocked
with accidents
and forgiveness
and everything left unsaid
and we're trapped in here
in the fire
no way out
coughing up the smoke from our hearts as they burn
i'll die for you
i'll die with you
i am going to die with you
i always knew i would
somehow i always knew
and i did it anyways
and i did it again
and again
and i'll do it again
and again
i'll always die for you
i'll always die with you
i'll always be in you
somewhere i always knew
somewhere you never let me go
I will burn there
Ever After

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Silent Fractals Fall
White Whispers Wash All Away
No Thing Left To Be

Soft Crystals Gliding
to Wrap Us in Fluffy Ice
Inch by Inch by Inch

Succumb to Snow Fall
Smothered, the World Disappears
only Yin remains

Friday, January 25, 2013


my favorite thing 
about Winter
the reason I Love it
and the only reason 
I even like it at all
is Snow
is Watching the World
is seeing Everything I Know 
slowly become
a Field 
of Perfect White
Our World
that contains
All our Joys 
and All our Pains
All our Shit and All our Sufferings
All our Love and All our Longings
our Whispers
our Wishes
our Doubts and our Deeds
our Laughs
and our Hopes
and our Everythings
Temporarily Transformed
into Beauty
while we Watch
as we Witness
Nature's Art
in fractal forms
in the sky
and all around
Silent Yin
paints the ground
in Perfect White 
to reflect the Moon
as Winter's Light

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nothing To Say...

I want to write a poem.  I've been enjoying that a lot lately.  More than I ever have before.

I've never wanted to write poetry before.  I always wanted to write stories, or prose.  But I always suffered from a distinct lack of ideas.  And I've discovered that poetry fits perfectly with the kind of art I really want to make.  I always knew that I wanted to make art with words, and so I assumed that meant I should write stories.  And that's what I always did growing up.  But I've recently realized that I'm not a very good storyteller.  Or, rather, I'm not a very good story-creator.  If someone gives me an idea, I can write the shit out of it.  But I have trouble coming up with the ideas myself.

And I think I've come to enjoy writing poetry so much lately exactly because it isn't necessarily about telling a story.  It's purely about self-expression in lyrical word form.  And it feels good.  Figuring out what I'm feeling and then turning it over and over in my mind, looking at it this way and that; and then finding different ways to express it, finding different ways to shape it into something interesting or beautiful or potent or impactful.  It's like solving a puzzle.  Writing stories is so much a mental exercise.  But writing poetry feels like an intuitive process, letting the emotional and mental sides of myself wrestle back and forth with each other, and following the pull, the flow of the words that come from their interaction.

And I've come to really, really enjoy that feeling.  And I want to do it every day.  I want to do it now.

But I'm having an ordinary day.  I'm not feeling anything in particular; I don't have anything I need to express.  And without that fuel, I don't have anything write about.  Sometimes I get lucky, like yesterday, and a poem will come to me even though I'm not feeling anything particularly deep or important.  But I have no control over that.  And right now, I'm sitting here, and I want to write a poem.  But I've got nothing to say.  I'm having an ordinary day.

I've got nothing to say
It's an ordinary day
Nothing to write home about
No reason to stay

There's nothing going on here
No deep thoughts to feel here
I'm empty as the mirror's gaze
For all the world to see here

This is just an exercise
Performed for all your judging eyes
Written to determine who
Can wrench the Truth from all my lies

Because I have nothing to say
On this ordinary day
And the rhymes of poetry sometimes
Just get in the way

Oh.  Well, fuck.  Never mind, then.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


SMART was helpful last night.  I did my sharing close to the end of the meeting, so I didn't have a lot of time to go into it, but I still got some food for thought; new ideas and perspectives I hadn't considered.  Looking forward to going into it in more depth next week, hopefully.

Came up with this poem this morning, and I thought it was amusing:

I woke this morning
Wrapped in Luck
Discovered in the bathroom mirror
My bedhead looked fabulous
Better than my actual haircut
Like finding a $50 bill on the sidewalk
Like getting a fortune cookie
That speaks your name
And says,
"Today is going to be a Good Day."

It makes me surprisingly happy to be able to write a poem about something that isn't dark, or painful, or about some grand aspect of the human condition/affliction.  The little fluff of everyday life is just as deserving of notice, regard, reflection, contemplation, and recording for posterity as everything else, don't you think?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lost In Recvoery...

Ok, so, in hindsight, clearly not the most righteous stance I've ever taken.  But I still don't think I did anything wrong.  And I just can't help but bristle at the idea that my attempt to view an explicit media with clear artistic merit has caused me to get lumped into the same group as the guy who spends his lunch hour spanking it in his office.  And it really bothers me that, because of this, I now have to fear for my job.  That just seems wrong to me, but I'll drop the subject now, I swear.

In other news, I think I'm going to go back to a SMART meeting tonight, if I can get home in time.  (Yesterday's Inauguration has snarled traffic all through the surrounding area.)  I haven't been to a SMART meeting in months.  It got to the point where they became more of a hassle then they were worth.  I never got very much out of the meetings, and I often felt worse afterwards, which struck me as rather counter-productive.  And having to give up every Tuesday night (and Tuesday morning for that matter, as I had to get to work early to make sure I could leave early so that I could get to the meetings on time) became rather tiresome.  I wanted to make sure I attended enough meetings on a regular basis to establish myself in the group, and to be sure to give them a fair chance (and not make any decisions based on first impressions), and get a sense of what I could expect from SMART in general, and from this group in particular.  And I accomplished that.  And if I'd felt as if I was having trouble maintaining my sobriety, or that attending these meetings would help me maintain my sobriety in any way, then I would've continued to attend.  But, as neither of those were the case, I decided to take my Tuesday nights back, knowing that this group was always there, should I ever need help again.

And now, I think I do.  I had always assumed that, in regards to my sobriety, the only person's reaction I needed to be concerned about, was my own.  It never occurred to me that other people that I care about might have as difficult a time dealing with my sobriety as I did.  I've known that my wife has been missing her "drinking buddy" since I sobered up; we established that early on, in just the first couple of months.  But, honestly, I didn't really think much of it; it just didn't seem that important.  She didn't seem all that upset about it, and my focus, frankly, especially in those early months, had to be on maintaining my sobriety, and not on whether or not She had someone to get drunk with on Friday nights.  I don't think either of us realized just how important it really was to Her, or that it was actually about much more than just missing Her "drinking buddy" - it was about my entire personality changing, again, and for the first time, changing in respect to the ways that I treat Her.  And as the months have dragged on and on, and the situation has remained unchanged, Her feelings about it have apparently grown worse and worse, until we are at the point now where it has become a painful and difficult problem in our marriage.

And I don't know what to do about it.  I thought things had unarguably changed for the better.  I'm much more even-keeled now than I ever have been before.  Yes, I still have my ups and downs, but everyone does.  But whereas before every emotion was turned up to eleven, now I never get much higher than a four or five.  I used to be full volume every minute of every day.  Every high was the highest high possible, and every low was the lowest I could get.  And in terms of how I treated Her, that meant that when I was happy with Her, she was the Sun, Moon, and Stars to me, and I loved her more than Romeo ever loved Juliet; my entire world revolved around her.  (Which sounds beautifully romantic at first, but try living up to such ridiculous and fantastical standards for ten years.  It can't be done.  And I did a lot of damage to our relationship trying to keep her up on that pedestal for so many years.)  But it also means that when I wasn't happy with her, I hated her, because she was completely ruining my entire fucking life.

Now, my feelings never get that ridiculously, over-the-top intense.  I still love her, and I still sometimes get angry with her, but I don't treat her like the be-all-end-all of my existence, nor do I treat her like the worst thing that ever happened to me.  All of my feelings for her, both good and bad, are much softer and quieter, much more reasonable and responsible, much more practical; and so completely fucking boring.  Because while both of us are clearly glad that I no longer feel such intense anger at her every time she makes me feel anything bad, from her point of view, my world used to revolve around Her.  And now it doesn't.  And that hurts her.  It hurts in a way she has a very difficult time understanding, or articulating.  And it's very confusing.  Because while she's certainly glad that I don't yell at her anymore, and while she is definitely very proud of me for all that I've accomplished these past eight months, she's also really hurt and upset; she feels rejected, because, from her point of view, I don't seem to love her as much as I used to.  Which isn't true at all; I still love her just as much as I used to, I just don't express it as intensely.  But how can she be expected to know what I'm really feeling, if I've completely changed the way that I express those feelings?

And then, on top of all of the hurt and rejection she's already feeling, she ends up feeling very guilty, too.  She feels guilty because she understands that my sobriety is clearly a good thing for me, and she wants to be able to support me in that and feel proud of me.  And by feeling hurt and upset in response to my sobriety, regardless of how else she feels about it, she feels like she is doing something wrong, and hurting me, and undermining my sobriety.  Which, unfortunately, I have to agree with, in a sense.  It definitely hurts me to know that I'm hurting her.  And it definitely makes me want to drink, because I feel like that would make her happy (and I'm kind of hard-wired to want to make her happy).  But I don't think she's doing anything wrong; on that point we disagree.  I can't blame her for how she feels, at all.  I would almost certainly feel the same thing in her place.  And I think it can be said that, almost certainly, she has been the one the most hurt, she has been the one who has lost the most, she has been the one who has sacrificed the most, for my sobriety.  And I could never expect her to just be a hundred percent happy about that.  I feel horribly naive for not anticipating it ahead of time.

But now, what do I do?  How am I supposed to respond to this?  How should we deal with it?  What can we do about it?  In the addiction/recovery cycle, most people end up feeling like they lost their loved ones to the addiction side of things, when the addict reaches the point where the only thing they are capable of caring about anymore is using.  We're really fortunate that we've never had to face that problem.  But I've never heard of anyone feeling like they lost their loved one to sobriety.  In all of my experience with addiction and recovery, I've never heard anyone say, "Now that you're sober, you don't love me the way that you used to."  And now that we're unfortunate enough to be faced with that problem, I have no idea how to deal with it.  I have no experience to draw on.

And, so, back to SMART.  I'm hoping someone there has some experience with this, or has at least heard of it before.  At the very least, I'm hoping to come away with some perspective.

Will me luck.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Here Come The Bastards...

I am burdened today by a most rare and unusual problem:  an over-abundance of subjects to write about.

I want to write about a party I went to on Friday night.  It was my friend's 40th birthday party, and it seemed that all of my oldest friends were there.  These are the people I would consider my best friends, and yet this was the first time in three years or more that I was seeing most of them.  Being surrounded by so many friends, and being confronted, viscerally, with just how long it had actually been since I'd last seen them, brought up a lot of different feelings.  And for a lot of other reasons, as well, this party ended up being very overwhelming to me.  I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that evening, and the various things that happened there; almost too many to handle.  So, as much as I know this is something I should write about, and as much as I want to write about it, I don't think I'm ready yet.  I know that I thought and felt a lot about the experience, but I haven't been able to process it enough to know exactly what I thought or felt; to be able to say "I felt this" or "I thought that."  So I think I need to give that some time to sink in and settle, and figure out exactly what it is that I need to say.  It was just a lot to happen all at once, and I need to some time to figure out what to make of it.

So, instead, I'm going to write about something that happened to me at work today that pissed me off.

Our company's servers have a firewall that blocks access from the network to sites that are known to harbor potentially harmful code such as spyware or viruses.  That seems like a completely reasonable business decision to me, and I completely understand.  I always get a little twinge of guilt/shame/remorse whenever I click on a link and get the message from our server that the page I am trying to view is blocked by our firewall because it is a known malware site.

I have several webcomics that I read most days during my lunch break.  Two of these webcomics sometimes show explicit sex.  And today, when I went to read those comics, I received the message from our server saying that they were blocked.  But not because they were malware sites.  The message said that these sites had been blocked because they were pornographic.

This marks a significant change in the way our company monitors and polices our online behavior.  Up to now, it has been solely about protecting our company's network infrastructure.  But now, apparently, they have decided to start policing our morality, as well.

What pisses me off about this, is that I've never considered either of these sites to be pornographic.  Yes, they both show explicit sex, but I don't think that automatically makes them porn.  Porn is solely about explicit sex.  Its one and only purpose is to sexually arouse.  And clearly, these webcomics are not trying to do that.  Or, at least, they are about more than that.  One of them is a humor comic, making fun of nerd-culture, fantasy-tropes, and sexuality.  I've never been aroused by it, nor have I ever read it because it is dirty; I read it because it is funny.  (It is hilarious, in point of fact.)  And the other comic is a love story; very sweet and romantic, and also strange and psychedelic.  It publishes one page a week, and every once in a while (we're talking maybe every twenty pages or so) there will be a sex scene.  And while the sex is definitely explicit, it is still portrayed in the sweet, romantic style, a world away from anything that could be considered "hardcore porn."

Let me illustrate my point.  Imagine a movie - your typical, cliché of a sappy romantic-drama.  Now imagine that when we get to the inevitable scene where the male and female leads finally make love, the sex is shown explicitly.  There is vulva, erections, and penetration.  In every other way, it's still the cliché sappy romantic-drama - soft lighting, bad soundtrack, etc.; the only difference is that instead of just seeing the female lead's breasts (and maybe the male lead's ass), we see all of both leads, and they are actually making love.

Now, imagine your typical hardcore porn movie.

They're both sexually explicit, but they are clearly, obviously, not the same thing.

And that's what bothers me about this whole situation with my company's firewall.  I don't really care so much that I can't read these comics at work anymore.  That's not really a big deal, and I can just read them at home from now on.  What bothers me is that I have now been logged as someone who uses company resources to view porn.  And I don't think that's fair, because I don' think that's what I did.  Since they've labeled these two webcomics as "porn" there is no distinction between me and the person who tries to view hardcore pornographic videos in his office.  And I think that's a very important distinction to make!  It's hardly as if I was trying to log on to, for crying out loud.

But our culture makes no distinction.  If it displays certain things - vulva, erections, penetration, semen - even once, for any reason at all, then no matter what else it may do or say, and no matter how else it may say it, that media is porn, and that is all it is, and that is all it will ever be.  And no matter what else it may do or say, and no matter how else it may say it, that media is exactly the same as Gang Bang Bitches vol. 8, and if you don't agree, then you are an immoral pervert.

For almost thirty-seven years now, I've managed to avoid getting caught in the hypocritical, puritan traps of this culture.  But today, I got caught.  And now I feel like I have a giant scarlet "P" on my chest.  "P" for "Pervert."  "P" for "Porn."

And now, for the first time in my adult life, I have to live in fear that any day now, the morality police are going to come knocking on my (office) door.

Friday, January 18, 2013


The Romantic becomes The Cynic
His Heart becomes The Stone
The Poisonous Fruit
At the Tree of Life's Roots
Chills him to the Bone

The Fool no longer Dances
Seeks no Joy from those he Loved
Their Smiles seem Dour
His Mood gone Sour
He's lost his Light Above

And the Lusty Fires sputter
The Flesh turns Soft and Gray
What once was All
Helped bring The Fall
Nothing Rose can Stay

Then Passions aged to Bitters
For Reality means only Tears
The joys of Youth
Mean acrid Truths
At the End of all our Years

But who are We to Argue
And Death comes for Us All
Will you Cry at Night
Or Will you Fight
To find Your Light in Time's Black Pall

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Back Burner Blurble...

I give up.  I've re-written it and re-worked it over and over again and again until the words don't even mean anything to me anymore.  It's still not perfect, but it's definitely the best I can do.

But then I started questioning whether to post it at all.  It just didn't feel right.  I began to wonder whether it would be a mistake.  I've spent the last three days wrestling with that dilemma, and I've decided to just let it go.  And that's probably for the best.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Choose Wisely...

What am I feeling?
So many things.
How do I pick the one
that is worthy?
How do I decide
which flitter of chemical cascade
to capture
and pin down
and immortalize
on this page?

They are all so ugly
and so beautiful,
each in their own unique way.
Which is wheat?
And which the chaff?

It would seem that
"Ambivalent" and
"Introspective" and
"Pretentious" and
"Self-centered" have
risen to the top today.
In trying to decide
how to define myself
I have defined myself
without choosing.

This is who I have become,
but not
who I choose to be.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Whither Winter Hither...

wet wings drip sanguine
frost-cold eyes fog in the heat
and the snowflake melts

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blocked Blurble...

Another attempt at trying to say this thing I can't seem to say.  I spent hours on a new version of it today, and was just about to post it, but then realized I had to scrap the whole thing.

I feel like I'm choking on this.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Glimpse Into My Heart...

My time is running out
and still
I have not sung
the true song
the great song

I admit
that I seem
to have lost my courage

a glance at the mirror
a glimpse into my heart
makes me want
to shut up forever

so why do you lean me here
Lord of my life
lean me at this table
in the middle of the night
how to be beautiful

                -Leonard Cohen
                 "My Time"

Friday, January 11, 2013


I have this thing I'm trying to say, but I don't know what it is exactly.  I keep writing it out over and over again, and it always just ends up going nowhere.  I've got a half a dozen different versions of this same thing saved at this point, and none of them are right.  I know how it starts, and I think I know how it ends, but I get lost in the middle.  I can't connect the dots.  I don't know exactly what I'm trying to say, but I can't shake this overwhelming need to say it.  I can feel it stuck inside of me, and I can't get comfortable because I can't get this thing out.

It feels like creative constipation.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Ugh Update...

Still sick.

And, frankly, I'm sick of it.

Ready to get on with my fucking life already.

Monday, January 7, 2013


My TV broke.  Then I got sick.

Winter is wearing on me.

Friday, January 4, 2013

As Above, So Below...

spiderweb cracks
of bare black branch
against slab of slate gray sky

blue sun glow
blurry and lost
shrouds the world with ice

bite of cold
winter wind cuts
through flesh naked and scarred

bone white flecks
of fractals fall
to dust the red and raw

crystal'd waters
with gentlest touch
melt into seeping wounds

frost fingers roam
through veins gone cold
seeking the vaults of doom

old heart in hand
black carbon char
powdered ash blown high and free

corpse crow caw
shattering shriek
endless echoes mocking me

night at noon
and no one saw
there's nothing left to be

*editor's note...

I hate when I'm working on something here, and it's not done yet, and through some slip of the finger I manage to activate the "Publish" button in some completely unknown and absolute arcane manner.  One second I'm trying to type out my most embarrassing inner expressions of art and bullshit, still trying desperately to craft it into some shape that won't leave me weeping with shame when my head hits the pillow that night, and the next second I'm staring at my list of published entries, and my half-formed "work" in progress is sitting right there at the top.

It is the blogging equivalent of your pants falling down in public.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


What am I trying to say here?  That I'm somehow okay with my regrets?  That I've accepted them?  Not hardly.  Maybe it's that I've accepted the idea of them?  That while I might still lie awake at night tortured by all the things I wish I could do differently, I've at least accepted that they are a part of my life now and always will be.  That my life will not be a life free of regret.  That I will eventually die feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied and wishing things had turned out other than they did.  And, again, I'm not okay with that.  I don't think it's fair and it pisses me off and I'll fight it until the last speck of light has gone out of my eyes.  But I've accepted that it is going to happen.  It's too late now and there's nothing I can do about it.  I'll still fight it, because what else is there?  But I don't expect to change it.  And I won't feel like I've failed when I don't.  It's the fight that is important.  The struggle.  Not victory.  There is no victory over a life of regret.  Choices made cannot be un-made.  Roads taken cannot be backtracked.  Who we have decided to become is who we are and we cannot become someone else no matter how much we may want to.  And we have no one but ourselves to blame.  Our choices have led us here and so here we are.  Like it or not.  And if you don't like it then fight it but don't ever hope to change it.  Regret has swallowed you whole and the best you can hope for is a candle to light the darkness awhile.  We all live with regret.  A constant companion with claws in our neck.  Life is ignoring those claws tearing at our skin.  Life is shrugging our shoulders and saying "Yeah?  So what?  That the best you got?  Fuck you.  That ain't nothin'.  And you ain't gonna stop me.  Fuck, you ain't even gonna slow me down."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twelfth Night...

Orange yellow tounges climb licking
tinder dried limbs wood eating
pine bough'd circle yearned-for grasping
explode in blazing new Sun crackling

White wisp'd winter ghosts rise gently
carried north on cold winds darkly
sacrificed spirits pyre'd burn brightly
light for a New Year to shine sublimely

Red runes round ring enchanted
holy words spoke oft-repeated
flowed wine o'er horn filled sacred
Gods' graced gifts for wishes granted