Another last minute post.
Fifteen minutes before I have to start getting ready to leave. Fifteen minutes to write, edit, revise, and post. Can I do it? And what will the pressure inspire me to spit out this time?
Clock's ticking, boy-o. Better come up with something quick.
Oh, great, I'm talking to myself. Again. A sign of mental illness. And, worse, unoriginal.
Blah, blah, blahbitty-blah. This is how I cure my writer's block. I just type out whatever comes into my head, as unfiltered as possible, until I start to feel the creative energy flowing. Then I tap that vein, and run with it.
My concern is that this time, the energy will start to flow right about the time I run out of time to do anything with it.
But, if so, then oh, well. At least I did the exercise, and posted something for the day that wasn't just "did X recently; doing Y tomorrow," or, "oh, woe iz me, for I am ze alcoholiqué."
Five minutes. You're running out of time.
But that's all time ever does, isn't it? Run out? That is Time's purpose. To run away, until it's all gone, and everything is nothing. Until every thing is no-thing.
Four minutes. Is that all you got, kid?
That was an existential query on the end of all things! What else is there? (And why do you always talk to me like a noir detective? Does my alter ego think he's in a Raymond Chandler novel or something?)
Three minutes. "It's a Raymond Chandler evening / At the end of someone's day / And I'm standing in my pocket / And I'm slowly turning grey..."
Oh, fucking great. You're quoting Robyn Hitchcock lyrics from "The Crow" at me? Who's the hack now?
Two minutes. And the answer would be you, since that is who I am.
Which reminds me of something I'd forgotten. I think one of the most powerful phrases in all of humanity is, "I am you." It cuts through the facade of our separate realities and points directly to the essential truth that we are all interconnected, and ultimately, all one organism, one tribe, one species, made of the same stuff, sharing the same planet, the same history, the same fate. We are not individuals, we only perceive ourselves as individuals because of the biological accident of our evolution. In fact, we are all one; undifferentiated, undivided, inseparable.
One minute left, hot shot. That what you're going to end with?
No. I'm going to end with this: if you're reading this, then please, do me this favor. For the rest of the day, for every person you see, try to remember to think to yourself, "I am you." Your child. "I am you." Your lover/spouse. "I am you." The barista at the coffeehouse. The guy who flicked you off in traffic. Your boss. "I am you, and I am you, and I am you, as well." Note how this affects you.
Well, no time to edit, so I guess this'll have to do.
Good luck, kid.
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