Well, this is getting downright disappointing. Last night, things got even worse. I'm beginning to feel down about this whole thing. I'm honestly not sure what to do at this point.
Yesterday afternoon, I started to feel restless and anxious. I couldn't pinpoint why, exactly. But that's not entirely unusual for me. What was unusual, was that the feeling steadily grew as the day went on. And then I started to get upset. Just feeling really down, really unhappy. Again, no apparent cause for this emotional state, and again, it grew steadily. By the time I got home from work, I felt like complete shit. I was really depressed, and really unhappy, about nothing in particular, and everything in general.
And I could discern this strange disconnect between my emotional state and the rest of my perception. For instance, something unpleasant would happen, and my mental response would be, "Oh, well," while my emotional response would be, "Oh, gods, WHY??" And I would wonder, why did that emotional response pair with that mental response? They don't fit together. And of the two of them, the mental response seemed a more appropriate and accurate reflection of the event that triggered it; the emotional response seems over-the-top and uncalled for. And that kind of thing kept happening over and over again.
Eventually I began to realize that one of my worst fears about this experiment seemed to be coming to pass. I was clearly depressed, that much was obvious. And it seemed likely that this was another of those backlash chemical depressions that have followed any and every intoxication I've experienced this past year.
Only one way to be sure. Have to test the theory. I hadn't been planning to drink last night, because I didn't want to immediately start off drinking every day again. My plan is not to have a drink unless there's a good reason. (And neither "it's Thursday night" nor "I just got home from work" qualify as good reasons to drink.) But if I had a drink, and the depression and anxiety went away, then I would know that it was definitely chemical withdrawal that caused it.
So I had a shot of tequila. And immediately felt that dizzy sickness again. And then I started to feel better.
A little while later, I had another shot. And then I felt perfectly normal. No depression, no anxiety. Nice and relaxed.
So, now I know. On top of no longer being able to enjoy it the way that I used to, the way that I would like to, I will also have to deal with the fact that any time I take a drink, I am then going to have to deal with a deep depression, for which the only cures are to either let it run its course, however long it takes (days, weeks, months - I've experienced all of those at various points this past year), or to have another drink.
To say that I am discouraged by these findings would be rather an understatement.
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