Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I might be missing a lot of posts here for a while.

I'm fairly certain the wireless card on my laptop is dying, if not already dead.  I've had a suspicion for the last week, but I couldn't tell for sure if it was my machine, or my wireless range extender, or the actual network I connect to.  But She's telling me that now the laptop is saying that there are no wireless networks detected.

There are always at least a dozen or more wireless networks detected within range of our home.  Hell, the range extender is in our kitchen, for fuck's sake.  So, if the laptop is saying that it can't find any networks at all, then it's pretty clear that the laptop isn't working.

It's going to take time and money that I don't have to get that fixed.  So, who knows when that's going to happen.  And, in the meantime, we will have no internet at home.  Again.  (We just got our wireless network working with a fair degree of connectivity within the last month, after working on it for over 3 years.  And as soon as the network is finally reliable, the computer dies.  I just can't win with this thing.  I feel like I've been struggling to achieve a consistent, reliable internet connection for my entire adult life now, since I got my first 28.8 baud modem at eighteen.)

I really do not have time to be posting from work right now.  I have a huge project that should be taking up all of my time.  I can take ten minutes at lunch to throw something up real quick, but not take the time and focus necessary to post something meaningful and well-written.  So that means, in order to post anything beyond a quick blurb, I'm going to need to either neglect my work, or, more likely, stay late at the office.  Neither of which I'm very excited about.

So, just wanted to let you all know.  We'll see what happens.

I have another SMART meeting tonight.  Wish me luck.  Hopefully, I'll find the time to write up something about it tomorrow.

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