-the humiliation began when he actually benched me for the first two innings - he put the oldguy with the limp (who has dropped every single ball that has come anywhere near him) on
2nd base, for fuck's sake! - felt a little better when he switched out the old guy and put me on
2nd for the 3rd and 4th innings, but then he put the old guy back in for the 5th and 6th!
-that might have something to do with my one and only play at 2nd - in the 4th inning, a guy
was running from 1st, and they threw me the ball very late - it hit my hands and immediately
bounced out (kickballs are so bouncy that they're actually surprisingly hard to catch) - as I
reached out to retrieve it, the runner ran straight into me, slamming his shoulder into my ear
and almost knocking me over - luckily, he overran the base (ought to give you some idea how
hard he hit me) and someone else managed to get the ball and tag him out before he could
get back to 2nd - still, hardly a stellar play for me
-I could not hit from this pitcher! - he threw these ridiculously bouncy curveballs - he walked alot of kickers, honestly, but I was unfortunately not one of them - every pitch he threw me that
looked like it was going to be a ball, would suddenly veer at the last second and turn into a
strike - and every ball he threw that looked like a strike would suddenly bounce at the last
second, so that I would end up ineffectively "kicking" it with my shin instead of my foot
-I managed to "kick" three balls that way - the first one flew straight upwards off of my shin
and slammed directly into my own face - ?! - I've never seen anything like that before! - so, of
course, it would happen to me - now do you understand when I say it was like middle-school
all over again? - to their credit, at least no one laughed - at least, not that I heard
-the other two "kicks" were lazy pop-flys that never even made it to the pitcher's mound, and
were easily caught - for the last one, the bases were loaded, we were down 4-1, and I was the
final out to end the inning, meaning that even though we'd managed to load the bases, thanks
to me, we hadn't scored a single run
-Ok, here's where it gets interesting - we'd been down 4-1 since the 2nd inning - now it's thefinal inning, and we get a runner on base - then we get a second runner on base, but he
manages to hurt himself running to 1st, so we need a pinch runner - as the last person out,
that "honor" falls to me - here I was sitting on the sidelines, thinking "well, at least it's finally
over and I won't have to embarrass myself anymore," and then suddenly I have to go run for
this guy - and, of course, the final humiliation being that, the only way I managed to get on
base all game was when someone else got hurt
-so the next kicker gets out, but I manage to run to 2nd base before they can get me - next
kicker also gets out, but our runner on 3rd manages to make it home, so now it's 4-2, with 2
outs in the last inning, and I'm the only runner, on 2nd base - next guy gets a single, but it's
kicked toward 3rd base, so I don't run, and so now we have runners on 1st and 2nd, and I
have to run on the next kick - next kick is a pop-fly, and it looks like it's all over for us, but
their pitcher drops the ball! - so I haul ass to 3rd base, and the pitcher throws the ball at
me/towards 3rd to try and get me out, but he overthrows both me and the base, sending the
ball into the outfield - so I round 3rd and keep going, booking it toward Home Plate - I see the
ball sail over my head toward the catcher - I see him catch the ball, standing on top of Home
Plate, and look directly at me, running straight toward him - I can't stop now, so I run straight
at him, trying my best not to completely bowl him over, knowing that I'm out, again, and that
this one ended the game, and that now we've lost, again, and that it's all my fault, again
-And then I hear the Ump call, "Safe!" - everyone, myself included, simultaneously says,
"What?!" - apparently, since the catcher was holding the ball against his chest, and standing
directly on Home Plate, that meant I ran into the catcher, the ball and Home Plate at the
same time, which means I was Safe - if the catcher had held the ball out in front of him, away
from his chest, so that I hit the ball before I hit him and the plate, then I would've been out -
but he didn't, so I wasn't
-Holy Shit! I managed to actually score a run! And somehow, I did it without even getting a
base hit
-But then, even better, we got another base hit, and another run, to tie the game at 4-4! - so
now we're thinking, "Awesome! We didn't lose again!" - but then, miraculously, we got
another base hit, and another run, so now the game's over, and it's 4-5, and WE WON!
-Holy fucking shit, the Bad News Bears managed to win a game! - In the last inning! - With
two outs! - WTF?!
-So, now were 2-2 for the season. Hallelujah.
-Even though I collided with other players on two separate occasions, and managed to kick aball into my own face, surprisingly I walked away without a scratch on me - not even so much
as a sore muscle
-Guess it turned out to be a good day, after all.
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