Monday, May 14, 2012

Status Report...

I'm feeling much better now.

Last week I started taking some herbal supplements.  Sunnaswort (aka St. John's Wort) for mood, Ginseng for energy, and Ginkgo Biloba for focus.  And I started feeling better almost immediately.  Which could be due to the herbs, or could just be the placebo effect, or could be due to the fact that my depressed period was simply coming to an end all on its own by that point anyways.  But, regardless of why, I've definitely been feeling better lately.

I've been much more relaxed and happy.  Still not quite the happy-go-lucky, go-with-the-flow of the pink cloud, but still a significant improvement over the last couple of weeks.  No more getting angry or upset about little things and then not being able to let them go.  I managed to get in both my mathematics lessons and a meditation session this weekend, and really enjoyed them all.  More to the point, I found myself excitedly looking forward to them, like I had been up until Walpurgisnacht.  I was worried I might've lost that.

And the sluggishness and lack-of-motivation are gone now, as well.  The last few days I've woken refreshed and ready to go, rather than feeling like I still needed several more hours of sleep.  It's been no trouble to make it into the gym on time the last several mornings, either.  I even managed to stay up late on Saturday night into Sunday morning playing my new video game, without feeling tired and drained the next day.  And I even managed to get a little bit of work done this weekend.  (Not as much as I'd like, but it's a start.)

So, we'll see how the rest of the week goes, but I'm optimistic.  Things seem to be improving.

Will me luck.

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