i know you're depressed
know you just don't want to deal
with me
with anyone
don't feel like you can
don't feel like you can take anymore
don't feel like you can handle it all
it's just too much
all these people who Love you
who mean so well
who want to be the one to save you
to play the hero
be the one to make you smile again
they have no idea
can't feel what it's like
they don't understand that
for all their good intentions
their affections are just another burden
their attempts at Love and comfort just a
complicated social dance
they're forcing on you
i know you want to feel better
know you would if you could
but all their attempts to help you
just make you feel like a burden
to the people you Love
the ones you least want to burden
and why can't they see that only makes it worse
to have to choose between
disappointing them
when their attempts at cheeriness inevitably fail
or lying to them
and pretending to feel better
when you don't
not really
just to spare their feelings
can't they see that you don't have the energy
to even be responsible for your own feelings right now
much less anyone else's
why can't they just leave you alone
trying to let the pain fade
disappear into nothing at all
so in the blessed silence left behind
the spark may return
just maybe
to fan the flames again
to build the heat
and warm you back to life
but only if you can first get away
away from all of us
and all our Love and affections
and our mountains of best intentions
only if you can reduce all the noise
and complications
and lay still in your shallow depression
i know you're depressed
i know how you feel
i know i can't help
i know i'd only weigh you down further
and make it harder for you to get up again
but i also know
that I Love you
and that you are not alone
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Only Grey...
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Gaze Deep Into My Navel And Despair...
How am I supposed to grow up?
I want to grow up. I really do. No, more than that, I need to. I need to grow the fuck up. I'm almost forty years old, but I still see myself as if I were twenty-five. That might sound appealing on some level, at first; "young at heart" and all that. And maybe it would be, if that's what I wanted for myself. But it isn't. I want to grow up. I need to grow up, because I can't keep living like I'm twenty-five. I'm not twenty-five anymore. I can't eat like a twenty-five year-old anymore. I can't move like a twenty-five year-old anymore. I can't party like a twenty-five year-old anymore. Fuck, I can't even sleep like a twenty-five year-old anymore. It all hurts me now in a way that it never did, and I can feel myself breaking down at an astonishing rate, as if the force of Entropy inside me were being fed by some radioaction of chemical combustion. Accelerated Decrepitude. But on the other hand, trying to live within my almost-forty means, while still feeling like a twenty-five year-old inside, is so monumentally depressing that I can't even fucking bother; I always just end up feeling like I already have one foot in the grave.
A twenty-five year-old trapped in a forty year-old body. How incredibly pathetic. How incredibly modern. How incredibly privileged.
But how am I supposed to grow up? I don't know. My observations tell me that for most people, this happens as a natural side-effect of breeding. That creating a child shifts all perspectives, and forces the new parent into a maturity that cannot be achieved through any other means. That makes sense to me. I can understand that.
But I'm never going to have any children. So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to force myself to achieve a state that, for most people, requires quite possibly the single most life-altering event they will ever experience in order to achieve?
Sometimes I think, maybe I don't actually need to grow up? If I don't have any children, then what do I need to grow up for? Why do I feel this need anyways? I can only assume it is because I reflexively compare my life to the model my parents set for me. When I look at myself, and try to judge whether I'm doing well or not, I compare it to the life they lived. And I always feel myself coming up short.
They went to college. They got degrees. They worked hard. (My father still works harder than almost anyone else I know, and while my mother never worked as hard as he did, she still inarguably worked harder than I do now.) They bore and raised children. They owned houses, with yards and multiple floors and everything.
But I dropped out of college. I have no degrees, and probably never will. Yeah, I have a career that doesn't leave me wanting to kill myself, but I still hate it, just because it's work, and I hate work of any kind; I hate being forced to sell myself every day in order to sustain myself. I don't own a house. I own an absurdly tiny condo that I hate and will never be able to sell for as much as I paid for it. I am almost certain I will end up having to live in that tiny little box for the rest of my life, watching it deteriorate around me, with me - and that thought terrifies me on a regular basis.
And even these modest achievements - a well-paying job that I can sort of do well and tolerate, and a tiny little condo I'm trapped in like a prison cell - even these barely note-worthy accomplishments I never actually earned; I didn't work hard to achieve these things. I got this job because some well-meaning middle-aged women that I worked with took pity on me, and talked to their bosses, and told them they knew this kid they thought would do well as a programmer. And they were right - I am a good programmer. At least, I'm alright. But again, not because I try to be, or because I studied or worked hard or went to school or anything else. I just have a natural talent for logic and pattern recognition and symbology, and so I am a naturally decent programmer. I could be a great programmer if I wanted to be; if I tried to be and put forth the effort. But I don't. Because I don't care. I only want to put forth the minimum amount of effort to get by, and save the rest for indulging in my life's pleasures.
And it's a similar story with my "home." I didn't work hard and save money every day so that I could eventually put a down payment on my dream home. My grandfather died, and since my mother (his daughter) was already dead herself, the portion of his life's wealth that should have been hers (and he had worked hard all his life to achieve that wealth) came to me instead. And I used all of that money to buy the apartment I had been living in for almost a decade at that point. The biggest, most "adult" accomplishment of my life - becoming a home-owner - and it only happened because I was in a position to profit off of the deaths of two of my close family members. And so it has never felt like an accomplishment to me. It feels like blood money.
(It's true that I performed magick to get the job and the money and the apartment, but even taking the assumption that my magick worked doesn't help the situation any. Magick is a short-cut. It's easy compared to actually working hard to learn or to save money. And it's fun to do, and for that reason alone I wanted to do it, whether it worked or not. So even assuming that I came by these things through sorcery, it still doesn't feel like an accomplishment to me. It still doesn't feel like I really earned them. It feels like I cheated.)
And I will almost certainly never see that much money again in my lifetime. I can barely maintain a savings of more than a couple of thousand dollars at a time. I live paycheck-to-paycheck, even with my fairly significant salary. I've always been that way. If I have money, I want to spend it on making myself feel good right now, and I can't seem to deny myself comfort or happiness in the present, in order to save it for some undefined future. As I've written here before, I feel like the Grasshopper, fiddling away as the first snow begins to fall.
But why do I determine the value of my life by comparing it to my parents'? They were completely different people, living in a completely different time. And who wanted completely different things from their life than I want from mine. And I know this. But I still can't shake this feeling that I am somehow failing at life, because I seem to remember my parents being so much better off in their twenties than I am in my thirties; or will be in my forties. I just want to be happy, like anyone else. But I constantly and consistently feel that the things that make me happy aren't good for me. That they are self-indulgent, or immature, or masturbatory. That I am a bad person for living my life the way that I do. But trying to live my life any other way always leaves me just as miserable, if only in a different way.
I just want to spend my life relaxing in the bathhouse, playing games, reading, writing, watching TV and movies, sleeping, eating, drinking and getting high, and punctuating the whole thing with the occasional orgasm. That is really all I want from life.
And I feel like a worthless waste of a human being for feeling that way. I hate myself for feeling that way. But even so, I have no idea how to change it; I have no idea how to want anything else.
Okay, sure, I want other things. Bigger things. I want to have a big house with a yard and a basement and an attic. I want to be able to support myself through writing, or some other form of creative expression. (If only I could make a living playing games!) I want a sense of accomplishment. I want to feel like my life mattered, in any way. I want to feel a sense of confidence that when I'm gone, I will have made some mark on the world that is all my own; that I will leave behind something more than a pile of carbon dust. I do want all of these things. But when I think about them, and I envision the monumental amount of work it would take to even try to achieve any of them - with no guarantee of success! - I lose any hope I may have had about ever actually achieving them.
Because I know that I will never do that work. I just don't have it in me. Achieving anything of any real significance requires a single-minded devotion that I just don't have. Have never had.
Because deep-down, I don't want to be great. All I really want is to be comfortable. And I guess I am. So I should be happy, then, right? Then why do I feel this way? I just wish I could learn to be happy with what I have, instead of hating myself for not being able to be great.
I guess what it all really comes down to is this: I feel lazy, and I hate myself for being lazy, but I don't know how to make myself be anything else. And I hate myself for that, too.
+ + +
Or maybe I'm just depressed because winter is coming, and I'm all out of drugs, and I can feel both of these things gnawing at my bones.
I want to grow up. I really do. No, more than that, I need to. I need to grow the fuck up. I'm almost forty years old, but I still see myself as if I were twenty-five. That might sound appealing on some level, at first; "young at heart" and all that. And maybe it would be, if that's what I wanted for myself. But it isn't. I want to grow up. I need to grow up, because I can't keep living like I'm twenty-five. I'm not twenty-five anymore. I can't eat like a twenty-five year-old anymore. I can't move like a twenty-five year-old anymore. I can't party like a twenty-five year-old anymore. Fuck, I can't even sleep like a twenty-five year-old anymore. It all hurts me now in a way that it never did, and I can feel myself breaking down at an astonishing rate, as if the force of Entropy inside me were being fed by some radioaction of chemical combustion. Accelerated Decrepitude. But on the other hand, trying to live within my almost-forty means, while still feeling like a twenty-five year-old inside, is so monumentally depressing that I can't even fucking bother; I always just end up feeling like I already have one foot in the grave.
A twenty-five year-old trapped in a forty year-old body. How incredibly pathetic. How incredibly modern. How incredibly privileged.
But how am I supposed to grow up? I don't know. My observations tell me that for most people, this happens as a natural side-effect of breeding. That creating a child shifts all perspectives, and forces the new parent into a maturity that cannot be achieved through any other means. That makes sense to me. I can understand that.
But I'm never going to have any children. So what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to force myself to achieve a state that, for most people, requires quite possibly the single most life-altering event they will ever experience in order to achieve?
Sometimes I think, maybe I don't actually need to grow up? If I don't have any children, then what do I need to grow up for? Why do I feel this need anyways? I can only assume it is because I reflexively compare my life to the model my parents set for me. When I look at myself, and try to judge whether I'm doing well or not, I compare it to the life they lived. And I always feel myself coming up short.
They went to college. They got degrees. They worked hard. (My father still works harder than almost anyone else I know, and while my mother never worked as hard as he did, she still inarguably worked harder than I do now.) They bore and raised children. They owned houses, with yards and multiple floors and everything.
But I dropped out of college. I have no degrees, and probably never will. Yeah, I have a career that doesn't leave me wanting to kill myself, but I still hate it, just because it's work, and I hate work of any kind; I hate being forced to sell myself every day in order to sustain myself. I don't own a house. I own an absurdly tiny condo that I hate and will never be able to sell for as much as I paid for it. I am almost certain I will end up having to live in that tiny little box for the rest of my life, watching it deteriorate around me, with me - and that thought terrifies me on a regular basis.
And even these modest achievements - a well-paying job that I can sort of do well and tolerate, and a tiny little condo I'm trapped in like a prison cell - even these barely note-worthy accomplishments I never actually earned; I didn't work hard to achieve these things. I got this job because some well-meaning middle-aged women that I worked with took pity on me, and talked to their bosses, and told them they knew this kid they thought would do well as a programmer. And they were right - I am a good programmer. At least, I'm alright. But again, not because I try to be, or because I studied or worked hard or went to school or anything else. I just have a natural talent for logic and pattern recognition and symbology, and so I am a naturally decent programmer. I could be a great programmer if I wanted to be; if I tried to be and put forth the effort. But I don't. Because I don't care. I only want to put forth the minimum amount of effort to get by, and save the rest for indulging in my life's pleasures.
And it's a similar story with my "home." I didn't work hard and save money every day so that I could eventually put a down payment on my dream home. My grandfather died, and since my mother (his daughter) was already dead herself, the portion of his life's wealth that should have been hers (and he had worked hard all his life to achieve that wealth) came to me instead. And I used all of that money to buy the apartment I had been living in for almost a decade at that point. The biggest, most "adult" accomplishment of my life - becoming a home-owner - and it only happened because I was in a position to profit off of the deaths of two of my close family members. And so it has never felt like an accomplishment to me. It feels like blood money.
(It's true that I performed magick to get the job and the money and the apartment, but even taking the assumption that my magick worked doesn't help the situation any. Magick is a short-cut. It's easy compared to actually working hard to learn or to save money. And it's fun to do, and for that reason alone I wanted to do it, whether it worked or not. So even assuming that I came by these things through sorcery, it still doesn't feel like an accomplishment to me. It still doesn't feel like I really earned them. It feels like I cheated.)
And I will almost certainly never see that much money again in my lifetime. I can barely maintain a savings of more than a couple of thousand dollars at a time. I live paycheck-to-paycheck, even with my fairly significant salary. I've always been that way. If I have money, I want to spend it on making myself feel good right now, and I can't seem to deny myself comfort or happiness in the present, in order to save it for some undefined future. As I've written here before, I feel like the Grasshopper, fiddling away as the first snow begins to fall.
But why do I determine the value of my life by comparing it to my parents'? They were completely different people, living in a completely different time. And who wanted completely different things from their life than I want from mine. And I know this. But I still can't shake this feeling that I am somehow failing at life, because I seem to remember my parents being so much better off in their twenties than I am in my thirties; or will be in my forties. I just want to be happy, like anyone else. But I constantly and consistently feel that the things that make me happy aren't good for me. That they are self-indulgent, or immature, or masturbatory. That I am a bad person for living my life the way that I do. But trying to live my life any other way always leaves me just as miserable, if only in a different way.
I just want to spend my life relaxing in the bathhouse, playing games, reading, writing, watching TV and movies, sleeping, eating, drinking and getting high, and punctuating the whole thing with the occasional orgasm. That is really all I want from life.
And I feel like a worthless waste of a human being for feeling that way. I hate myself for feeling that way. But even so, I have no idea how to change it; I have no idea how to want anything else.
Okay, sure, I want other things. Bigger things. I want to have a big house with a yard and a basement and an attic. I want to be able to support myself through writing, or some other form of creative expression. (If only I could make a living playing games!) I want a sense of accomplishment. I want to feel like my life mattered, in any way. I want to feel a sense of confidence that when I'm gone, I will have made some mark on the world that is all my own; that I will leave behind something more than a pile of carbon dust. I do want all of these things. But when I think about them, and I envision the monumental amount of work it would take to even try to achieve any of them - with no guarantee of success! - I lose any hope I may have had about ever actually achieving them.
Because I know that I will never do that work. I just don't have it in me. Achieving anything of any real significance requires a single-minded devotion that I just don't have. Have never had.
Because deep-down, I don't want to be great. All I really want is to be comfortable. And I guess I am. So I should be happy, then, right? Then why do I feel this way? I just wish I could learn to be happy with what I have, instead of hating myself for not being able to be great.
I guess what it all really comes down to is this: I feel lazy, and I hate myself for being lazy, but I don't know how to make myself be anything else. And I hate myself for that, too.
+ + +
Or maybe I'm just depressed because winter is coming, and I'm all out of drugs, and I can feel both of these things gnawing at my bones.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Chromatic Wake...
the Colors came today
Red Yellow
Orange Brown
taking the Green away
back to where the Colors sleep
to hibernate another year
I've been seeing hints and peeks and signs of
their Arrival
for weeks now
I knew to expect them
but today they were just
suddenly, and all at once
bathed in copper gold light
against a blue slate sky
exploding all around me
surrounding me in the beautiful dying of my world
every time this happens
every year this day comes back around
they take a little bit more of me
drawing the light out of me with their Colors
to join them in their sleep
leaving me lighter and less
but also denser and more
their Beauty a little death
to bring life back into focus
to remind me of all the wonders I'd forgotten
to deliver again that delicious Ache
that weighs heavy in my chest
yet floats me off my feet
as if waking to the memory
of a Love lost in an opium dream
so I can no longer sleep.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Making Excuses...
I haven't written in a long time. Long enough that it is beginning to weigh on me.
I've been busy. I haven't had much time to write.
But I have had time.
And when I've had the time, I haven't had the energy.
And when I've had the energy, and the time, I haven't had the desire.
And when I've had the desire, and the energy, and the time, I haven't been inspired.
And when all my stars have finally aligned in the heavens of my birth, and I have found myself inspired, and with a desire to write, and the energy to do it, and the time to do it in - I haven't had the tools at hand.
It's happened several times while I was driving. It's happened in the sauna, and the steam room. It's happened late at night, just as I'm falling asleep. It's happened while I was rushing to get ready in the morning, late for work. It's happened in meetings. It's happened on the toilet.
I've tried to write without keyboard or pen, but I've yet to meet any measure of success. The process is completely different. My mind must then be constantly pre-occupied with remembering and reciting and memorizing whatever I've written to that point, while simultaneously trying to determine what comes next.
But when I have a keyboard - or paper and pen in a pinch - I can focus entirely on feeling out the next line; all I have to do is express.
What I realize as I observe this, is that making it up in my head is simply not my style.
But it's all I've got right now. And I am clogging up.
I've been busy. I haven't had much time to write.
But I have had time.
And when I've had the time, I haven't had the energy.
And when I've had the energy, and the time, I haven't had the desire.
And when I've had the desire, and the energy, and the time, I haven't been inspired.
And when all my stars have finally aligned in the heavens of my birth, and I have found myself inspired, and with a desire to write, and the energy to do it, and the time to do it in - I haven't had the tools at hand.
It's happened several times while I was driving. It's happened in the sauna, and the steam room. It's happened late at night, just as I'm falling asleep. It's happened while I was rushing to get ready in the morning, late for work. It's happened in meetings. It's happened on the toilet.
I've tried to write without keyboard or pen, but I've yet to meet any measure of success. The process is completely different. My mind must then be constantly pre-occupied with remembering and reciting and memorizing whatever I've written to that point, while simultaneously trying to determine what comes next.
But when I have a keyboard - or paper and pen in a pinch - I can focus entirely on feeling out the next line; all I have to do is express.
What I realize as I observe this, is that making it up in my head is simply not my style.
But it's all I've got right now. And I am clogging up.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Other Boy's Father...
As a young boy, I belonged to a tribe in the Indian Guides. Think the Boy Scouts, but with a Native American, rather than Pioneer, theme. Instead of merit badges, we received various colored and decorated feathers for fulfilling specific tasks. Instead of "dens" and "den-meetings" we had "tribes" and "pow-wows." It was run by the local YMCA, and looking back on it now, it was actually pretty racist. A bunch of suburban white boys and their fathers dressing up in feathers and war-paint, beating drums and pretending to be Native Americans, back when we still called them "Indians" and thought nothing of it. Though, at the time, I was too young to notice any of that. I just loved getting to do all of the crafts, coming up with my Indian Name ("Howling Wolf"), collecting feathers for my coup-stick, and especially, getting to spend time with my father. He worked two jobs and went to night school, so any time we got to spend together was very special. But what I loved the most, was when we would go camping.A couple of times a year, our entire Nation (a group of local tribes) would rent out a campsite somewhere, and we would spend a long weekend out in the woods, making crafts, telling stories, cooking hotdogs on sticks over campfires, and other typical Boy Scout-type things. Over the years, I grew to be good friends with all of the boys in my tribe, and their fathers, and I would look forward to every opportunity we had to get together. They felt like a second family. And the weekends we all spent in the woods are, to this day, some of the happiest memories I have of my childhood.I remember one night in particular when I was around ten or eleven, as we were sitting around the fire after our hot dogs and beans, and after our s'mores, and after the last ghost story had been told, and long after most of the other boys were asleep in their bunks, I was trying to stay up late, to be with my father (whose Indian Name was, tellingly, "Night Owl"). I must've started to nod off at some point. I don't remember exactly how it happened, but for some reason it was another one of the fathers, Tom, who carried me to my bunk that night, rather than my own. Tom was tall and gangly and rather nerdy, always funny and good with us boys. I remember he was also very handy, good at fixing things and such. He was a plumber by trade, and owned a local plumbing company. I'll still pass a truck with his name on it on the road every once in a while.The cabin was almost completely dark, filled with the soft sound of sleeping young boys. Tom carried me almost effortlessly down the dark, quiet cabin, toward my bunk at the far end. It felt strange, the way he carried me. My father would carry me almost slung over his shoulder. But Tom carried me cradled in his arms, like a mother would carry her baby. When we eventually reached the back of the cabin, he very gently lifted me up and laid me down in my bunk. Because I was on the top bunk, I was lying down almost as high up as he was tall, very nearly face-to-face. After making sure I was situated properly in my sleeping bag, he reached out with an enormous right hand, and cupped my head very gently. He lightly brushed the hair off of my forehead. Still holding my head in his hand, he softly stroked my cheek with his thumb, and then whispered, "Goodnight."And then, still cupping my tiny head in his giant, calloused hand, he leaned down very slowly, and kissed me on the lips more gently than anyone ever had before. It wasn't like any goodnight kiss I'd ever had. It was unlike any kiss any relative or family member had ever given me. Even to my young mind back then, it clearly most resembled the romantic kisses I'd seen on TV and in movies. Lips slightly parted. Mouth to mouth. Very soft and gentle. And he lingered there with his mouth on mine for a long moment. Then he smiled down at me, stroked my cheek once more, and left to go join the other fathers around the campfire, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and the twisting fear in my belly.I never told anyone. I was old enough to know that sometimes men touched children in bad ways. But I don't think I felt certain enough about what happened with Tom that night to risk getting him in trouble by telling anyone. Maybe I was afraid I would be the one to get in trouble. Maybe I just didn't want to risk hurting anyone in my tribe, my second family. But I remember that I wasn't entirely sure if what he'd done was really wrong or not. It wasn't actually sexual; just strange. I know that it made me feel very uncomfortable, but that could've been just because it was so different from anything I'd ever experienced before. For all I knew that was how he kissed his own son goodnight, too, and he was just trying to be nice to me and treat me like he would his own. No one but my own family had ever tucked me into bed or kissed me goodnight before. Maybe the experience only felt strange to me because it was so different from the way I was used to with my own father.I never thought that Tom was gay. He wasn't effeminate at all. And he was married and had a son. And even his son seemed unusually straight for an adolescent boy. When another boy from our tribe and I had taken Tom's son out into the woods one night to show him what we did out there by ourselves, and to invite him to join us, he wouldn't. He just walked away, and left us there, half-naked on the ground, under the trees. Maybe he'd told his father about what we'd done. And maybe his father was gay. And so maybe Tom thought he knew what I was going through. Maybe he was trying to show me that it was okay, that he understood, that he was like me. Maybe he thought he'd finally found someone he could share his secret with; this dark and horrible secret he'd been keeping his whole life. Maybe that night, in the dark, in my tiny eyes, he thought he'd seen some sort of recognition. Maybe he thought he'd finally found someone who understood him.I don't know. I'll never know.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Keeping Her Secret, Postcards Home...
In the middle of our two weeks at Summer camp, we received a special treat. We were allowed to kayak out to Santa Claus Island, an uninhabited spit of sand and tall pine in the middle of Rehoboth Bay, and camp there for the night. There were about thirty of us boys, all around nine years-old, and six adult camp counselors to watch over us all. We picked our campsite, pitched our tents, built our fire, dug our latrine, and spent the rest of the day catching crabs from the bay for dinner that night. Late in the afternoon, I snuck off into the deep woods by myself to masturbate. After dark, I was running through the woods with some other boys, our flashlight beams bobbing and strobing through the brush as we ran full speed, and I tripped over a root I hadn't seen. Scraped myself up pretty good. That was normal for me. I was a spaz. Always getting myself hurt somehow.We ran back to the camp to get first-aid from the counselors. As they gathered around me, shining their flashlights on my leg to check the extent of my injuries, one of the grown-ups whispered to the counselor who was holding my leg, "Dude. Your arm." I looked down to see something protruding from the sweatband he was wearing stretched across his forearm. I recognized it as a rolled-up sandwich baggie. I knew exactly what it was. My parents kept theirs in the same type of bag, rolled up in the same way, in the secret drawer in our coffee table. At night, they would pinch a little from the bag and smoke it from their tiny wooden pipe, and then laugh and laugh and laugh. I can still remember lying in bed as a child, and hearing my mother's laughter echoing up from two floors below. Sometimes, if she was already in her nightgown by the time the call finally came in, and she didn't want to have to get dressed again, she would send me out to meet her connection for her. I would meet him down at the end of our cul-de-sac, hand him a check for the correct amount, and he would hand me one of those rolled up sandwich bags, filled with the fragrant dried remains of the secret plant that I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about, ever. And I would bring it back to her and she would smoke it and I would smell the strong burnt odor and she would laugh and laugh.The counselors had a Secret. And I knew what it was.I don't know if it's true or not, but at the time I felt like I was the only one who knew. Even if any of the other boys had seen the counselor's stash peeking out from his wristband, surely they wouldn't have known what it was. But I was Special. I had grown up keeping this secret. I knew the ways of this hidden adult world, and was comfortable there. I like to think that when the counselor looked up at me with panic in his eyes after re-secreting his hidden eighth, that I said something like, "Don't worry, it's cool. I won't tell anyone." Because I wanted them to know that I was cool. I wanted them to know that I was down. That I knew what they were doing, and that I was perfectly okay with it. I wasn't like all these other little boys who didn't know anything about what adults like to do to have fun. But I don't think I actually said anything. I was too shocked, and too afraid of getting in trouble. I probably just pretended not to notice. But I saw. And as I laid in my tent that night, trying to sleep, I couldn't get out of my mind the image of the counselors sitting around our fire outside the tent, passing a joint the way I'd seen my parents and their friends do so many times before. It reminded me of Home. It was the first time I'd felt comfortable the entire time I'd been at camp. The first time I'd felt like I fit in at all. But no one knew that I knew. No one could know that I knew. So even though I suddenly, finally, felt like I belonged, to everyone else I was still just The Spaz. And there was nothing I could do about it.Back at camp the next day, we were encouraged to write a postcard to our folks back home. I was only there for a two-week stay, so I'd only brought one postcard with me. Trying to think of what to say to my parents, all I could think of was the counselors' secret. The secret they and my parents shared. So I wrote it all down on the postcard. I wanted to tell my parents that there were people like them here with me, watching over me. "It's okay, they smoke just like you." I wanted them to know that I was okay here. That we were all part of the same group, the same tribe, the same family. The family of people who Kept The Secret. And I was so proud of myself for being such a grown-up about the whole situation. And I wanted to show them what a good, grown-up young man I was being for them. After I'd finished writing out the whole story, filling the entire postcard, I went to hand it in to my counselor to put in the mail for me with the others, so pleased with myself. And when he held out his hand to take it, I suddenly realized the horrible mistake I'd made. This was a postcard, not a letter. There was no envelope. Who knows how many hands this would pass through between me and my parents? Certainly other camp staff would see it. And right there on the back was a detailed description of the secret I was supposed to be keeping. That I was so proud of keeping. The counselors smoke pot. My parents smoke pot. And everyone who saw this postcard would know!I couldn't hand it in. I quickly said I had to fix something, and ran back to my bunk, fear knotting in my gut. I didn't want to get anyone in trouble. Not the counselors, and especially not my parents. I'd written it in pen, so I couldn't erase it. But I couldn't re-write it, either; I'd used all of the room on the back. And I didn't have another postcard. And the counselor was waiting for me to hurry up and hand it in. Everyone else had already finished theirs and were ready to move on to our next activity for the day. Everyone was waiting on me. I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do. I had to hand in this postcard, but I couldn't hand it in with these words on it for anyone to read. So I just started blacking out each letter, one-by-one. Using my pen the same way we used our #2 pencils to fill in the bubbles on our scan forms when we took tests at school, I drew spirals over and over and over each letter until they were just a dark-blue scribbled blob of ink, and the letter underneath was completely obscured. I pressed down hard, so that my marks bulged out on the backside image on the postcard, like braille. It felt like it took forever, and eventually the rest of the group left me there in the cabin by myself to finish up whatever it was that I was doing that was so secret and so important. Once I was finished, all that remained of my original letter home were the words "Hi Mom and Dad!" followed by line after line after line of big, fat, blue scribbled dots, and concluding with a quick "I miss you. Love, Mike" squeezed into the lower right-hand corner, like an afterthought. And then I handed it in. And worried every day the rest of the time I was there that Summer that I might've just ruined my parents' lives. What if someone could make out the words underneath my scribbles? How could I have been so careless?When I got home at the end of the week, my parents asked me about the postcard. When it had arrived in the mail, they didn't know whether they should laugh about it, or be worried about me. Once again, I'd done something strange, that didn't seem to make much sense, and that they didn't know how to take. But now that we were alone, I could finally tell them the whole story. And afterwards, I saw relief spread across my mother's face. And then she kissed me, and told me she was proud of me for being so smart, and for doing such a good job of keeping her secret.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Everything Changed Then...
It was fourteen years ago today, that we drove home from the flop house on Fort Ave., disheveled and ruined in our best and blackest finery, and stopped at the Perkins to try and sooth our hangovers and our bruised souls with disgusting food and even worse coffee. We both felt so sick in so many different ways, for so many different reasons. We sat there and we cried and we tried to look each other in the eye as we fought to figure out what to do with our lives.
And you told me you realized something that night. You realized you wanted me. You wanted me more than you wanted anyone else. You told me that you couldn't bear the idea of losing me. As a friend, or anything else.
And I knew right then, you had me. Completely. Always.
And you told me you realized something that night. You realized you wanted me. You wanted me more than you wanted anyone else. You told me that you couldn't bear the idea of losing me. As a friend, or anything else.
And I knew right then, you had me. Completely. Always.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Median Meridian Mean...
There is a Middle Road between all WorldsI know this to be TruthI have always seen it, glimpsed like a shadow in the corner of my EyeEverywhere I have ever LookedEverywhere I have ever BeenEverywhereI have always felt myself to beKnown my Self to beStanding to one side or the other of this Lost and Delicate WaySkipping between the Extremes, alwaysToo Highor Too Lowtoo Hard ortoo Softtoo Strong or too WeakToo Muchor Never Enougha Life Exhausted, leaping Across the Dividefrom Mountaintop to MountaintopSeeking in vain the peaceful Valley on the HorizonAlways in The Distancealways Almostnever NowUntilUntiluntiluntil I collapseuntil I cannot Go Any Furtheruntil I finally Let Goand Let My Self Falland Slide down the Mountainbecause there is Nothing Left for me to dobut Lie Downand Be Stilland RestEyes Wide to the Skyalong the Middle Road
Monday, August 12, 2013
At The Corner Of Drunk And Pretentious...
Last night, I took a twenty dollar bill from my drawer
the last one
marked it with my words
in thick, black ink
grabbed a tack from the desk
and went wandering the alleys and backways and sideways of my town
scanning for the right spot
the right time
And alone on Cumberland, across from Potomac
I found a pristine telephone poll
sprouting tall and straight from the asphalt
like an urban redwood
Took the knife from my belt
the tack from my teeth
and I walked away, heart pounding
hoping no one heard, no one saw
leaving the twenty hanging there like jesus
like a sign
in thick, black ink
"What do you REALLY want?"
I feel like a fraud.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Again A Darklight Day...
there's a strange and beautiful light in the building this morning
as i walk down the hall lined with empty offices all dark
on my merry way to my morning coffee
it's dark and storming outside
sweet Summer rain
heavy dark, almost night
and that odd, grey-cast half-light
that is not quite shadow but neither true illumination
filters in through the tinted office windows
into the hall
into my eyes
blending on the way with the white bright from buzzing fluorescents
that draw a dotted line down the halls' ceilings
so that the colors from within and the colors from without
to form a singularly beautiful light that glows in the air
only on days like this
dark rain
morning sky
fluorescent light
off-white walls
and i'm suddenly lost in that ethereal glow
drawn back in time to a memory i had forgotten when i was still young
of the time when i had first learned to love this light
though i didn't know it then
and couldn't have put it to words even so
i was still only learning how to read
and the school day still included a time specifically for "napping"
but i knew that rainy days were different, somehow special
and not only because we would have recess in the gym
but because everything about this strange new world that i was shuttled off to every morning
Looked Different
on these dark rainy days
everything glowed in a strange way
and it wasn't like that when the sun was shining bright through the windows
and most days were sunny
it was only sometimes, only in the once-in-a-while
that the sun would hide behind the darkness
and the wet would come pouring down on us
and the class-room would glow
and i would feel the strangeness of that rare and special light inside of me
my tummy would roll and quiver all day in anticipation of
nothing in particular
my young body would vibrate to match the frequency of the fluorescence humming above me
overwhelmed with exuberant expectation
i couldn't have described it, couldn't have said what it was
i was still only learning to speak
but i knew something was different in my world
i knew it was rare
i knew that it did something to me
i knew that i liked it
and i came to realize that is what the word "beauty" meant
and that is where "love" came from
and though i didn't know it then
couldn't have known it then
now i realize
i've chased that strange and beautiful light
every day since
as i walk down the hall lined with empty offices all dark
on my merry way to my morning coffee
it's dark and storming outside
sweet Summer rain
heavy dark, almost night
and that odd, grey-cast half-light
that is not quite shadow but neither true illumination
filters in through the tinted office windows
into the hall
into my eyes
blending on the way with the white bright from buzzing fluorescents
that draw a dotted line down the halls' ceilings
so that the colors from within and the colors from without
to form a singularly beautiful light that glows in the air
only on days like this
dark rain
morning sky
fluorescent light
off-white walls
and i'm suddenly lost in that ethereal glow
drawn back in time to a memory i had forgotten when i was still young
of the time when i had first learned to love this light
though i didn't know it then
and couldn't have put it to words even so
i was still only learning how to read
and the school day still included a time specifically for "napping"
but i knew that rainy days were different, somehow special
and not only because we would have recess in the gym
but because everything about this strange new world that i was shuttled off to every morning
Looked Different
on these dark rainy days
everything glowed in a strange way
and it wasn't like that when the sun was shining bright through the windows
and most days were sunny
it was only sometimes, only in the once-in-a-while
that the sun would hide behind the darkness
and the wet would come pouring down on us
and the class-room would glow
and i would feel the strangeness of that rare and special light inside of me
my tummy would roll and quiver all day in anticipation of
nothing in particular
my young body would vibrate to match the frequency of the fluorescence humming above me
overwhelmed with exuberant expectation
i couldn't have described it, couldn't have said what it was
i was still only learning to speak
but i knew something was different in my world
i knew it was rare
i knew that it did something to me
i knew that i liked it
and i came to realize that is what the word "beauty" meant
and that is where "love" came from
and though i didn't know it then
couldn't have known it then
now i realize
i've chased that strange and beautiful light
every day since
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Between The Eye And The Mirror...
i'm getting depressed
keeping it bottled
the pressure is mounting
i need to write
want to write but
now i need to write
i can feel it
but i can't do it
can't make myself do it
i'm working so hard
so exhausted
feels like i never have the time
or the energy
to sit down
to express
and compose
i write my poems in my head now
staring into the bathroom mirror
in the mornings
as i'm getting ready for work
i dictate them into a phone
it's all i can do
i wrote this very poem that way
just this morning
staring into my sleep-ugly face
because i don't have the time
to take the time
to write
to craft
to sculpt and shape my perception
into anything resembling art
i'm left only the option to
regurgitate words onto page
clean up the mess
and get back to work
but it's more than that
it goes much deeper
i don't like what i'm feeling right now
and i don't want to say it out loud
wish i didn't have to
saying it out loud is how to make it all better
i know that
the care-free grace of the newly-confessed
but there's this wall of fear
between me and salvation
and i don't think i have the strength
to climb it
because it's one thing to confront your demons
i do that every day
it's another to do it
out loud
in public
for all the world to see
dancing naked and crazed in the center of town
covered in your own vomit and shit
while your family gathers around
and stares
and you say, "See, Dad?
I'm doin' just fine.
Just working a few things out."
i have no ending for this poem
it hasn't been written yet
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Another year, but what a year!
And all that you've done, so amazing my dear!
A new career
and new prospects
a new outlook on life
Two new husbands you've lived through
and held strong through the strife
That I thank all the gods that you are my wife
So I could witness, in joy, your Becoming this year
So thus goes a year that you'll want to remember
All the way through to your last December
A year where you've grown
And made life your own
And fanned flames from your glowing ember
As the wealth and the riches of this year are now yours
Then what glory for you has the next year in store?
I'll say it
I'll scream it
louder and LOUDER
Being yours this year
I've never been prouder
But of one thing I'm certain: I've never Loved you more
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
The Present Dreams of Future Things...
I am a middle-aged grasshopper
fiddling my way to Winter
I can feel it coming
smell it in the air now
my days are getting shorter
and soon I will know my first Winter
and my last
and I see the ants all around me
going about the business of their days
while I fiddle away in mindless joy
I am free from all their cares and concerns
I share none of their worries or woes
and every moment of my life is filled
with more bliss than they will ever know
but the price to be paid is Winter
when the long night comes
they will have time for reflections
they will enjoy a sacrifice-earned peace
and plenty
that I will never know
they will possess a special wisdom
born only of accomplishment
that I am doomed to covet
but never share
the precious sounds I drew from my strings
that spread so much joy to so many for so long
lost now in the howling winds of the storm
and lost soon after even to memory
but that I enjoyed it all every second
to the fullest
every moment but the last
there is no sign to mark my passing through or by
no trace left of me where I danced my life away
but perhaps the impression of an almost imperceptible
in the new-fallen snow that covers me where I lay
next to the towering mountain hill of the ants
teeming with the frenzy of the living
who will know a second Spring
Friday, June 28, 2013
Hating Myself Never Felt So Good...
I don't want to admit itI don't want tohave toadmit itbut I like myself better this wayI wish I didn'tbut I doI laugh moreso much moreboth longerand more oftensame with the sexalmost the best it's ever beenand nothing like anythingwe've seen or felt or been in yearsevery orgasm a god's kiss goodnightI know I'm killing myselfbut we are all going to diesomedayand what is the point in a long lifeif it's a miserable slog the whole way?I'll take a few years off the endfor a ten-fold increase in joy and pleasurethe rest of the timeany dayall dayall day longThere are a hundred otherlittle reasonsfor hating myself for thisa hundred little setbackschipping away at my self-worthbut there could be a thousand and it stillwouldn't matterthey just don't add upthey just can't compare tothe ache in my face from laughing so hardI can't breathethe feel of her flesh under my handsswallowing methe look on her face when she comesthe tears in her eyes when she can't stop laughing at meor the idiot smilesplitting my face like a knife woundI wish I were wrongbut this just feelstoo right
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Friday, June 21, 2013
Why Are All Of My Poems Questions?...
What if I don't
feel anything
worth writing down?
What if I don't
see anything
that penetrates my eye
with beauty?
that infects my mind
with wonder?
What if
nothing happens
in my ordinary day
to inspire
or bewilder
or amuse?
or arouse
or confuse?
or infuriate
or frustrate
or fascinate?
What if it's just
a day?
just like the day before
and the day after
and I feel nothing
nothing worth saying
nothing worth feeling
out loud
no line to express
or wisdom to surmise
with cutesy-clever
twists of wordplay
Just a day
And what if I have
nothing to say?
I'll say it anyway
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Twenty Questions Solitaire...
Do you remember
the last time
you said the words
+ + +
I don't
I don't remember
I don't remember
the last time
that I said
I don't remember
when I said it
or to whom
or why
And now I can't escape this
rotting feeling
that this isn't a memory
we should ever out-grow
That this isn't a memory
we should ever out-live
That this isn't a memory
we should ever get
too far away from
Now that I realize it's gone
I feel adrift and lost without it
like a greenhorn just realizing
he's lost sight of shore
for the first time
The sudden realization
that I couldn't remember
that I've lost this memory
that it must've been so long
since I last said it
to anyone
for any reason
that I've lost it completely
sits so alien and unreal in me
That I could've ever lost something
so important
that has always just
been there
that should just be a backdrop
to the rest of my life
now gone
and I didn't even notice it
didn't miss it at all
until now
It's as if I suddenly realized
one wall of my house was missing
exposing us
letting in the whether
and I can't even remember
when it happened
And this is all only preamble
just the lead-in
to the real question
Why can't I remember?
Why have I forgotten?
Why has it been so long since I last said it?
Why haven't I said it?
Why did I ever stop?
What am I waiting for?
Monday, June 17, 2013
I am too tired to be inspired right now.
I swear, that rhyme was unintentional.
This is not a poem.
I swear, that rhyme was unintentional.
This is not a poem.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
One Down, Forever To Go...
gotta write
can't write
no time
gotta work
can't stop
too much to do
i can feel it
building up
hard up
hard time
hard line
hard night
coiled wire muscles
stretched tight twang
reverb spinal twitch
sets one eyelid going off
fluttering to start a hurricane
and the whole of it unravels
i can get it out
get it out
get it all out of me
and onto paper
into screen
out to hivemind
out of me
out of me
out of me
one fibrous thread of
twisted steel at a time
all i need
is just a little more time
and a little room to bleed
Friday, June 7, 2013
This Should've Been A Tweet...
I'm so tired, I'm actually dizzy. Looking forward to the baths tomorrow more than I ever have before. Need to relax feels like a matter of survival at this point.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
I have to face the music. The only way this work is going to get done anywhere even close to on-time, is if I start working 10-12 hour days. That's just a fact. An unfortunate fact. There's just too much work to do, and nowhere near enough time. So I'm just going to have to man the fuck up and do what needs to be done.
But, I'm already so tired.
But, I'm already so tired.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
I spit words
I do not mean to say that
in the street, beat, hip-hop sense
I do not mean that
I spit hot rhymes
I mean
I spit words
they explode from me
And they are painful
And I cannot control them
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Henry Jones, Blurble...
I have some ideas, and some things half-written, but no time to flesh anything out today. I have more work to do right now than I can possibly handle. And all of it is due "yesterday." I have a work task that I'm supposed to have finished by today, and with every hour that passes that looks less and less likely to actually happen. And if (when) I don't finish this one today, that will also push back every other task I'm supposed to be working on right now.
tl;dr - No time for love, Dr. Jones.
tl;dr - No time for love, Dr. Jones.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Lay Down Your Weary Head...
morning commute
hot sun, cool breeze
on the highway
beating down, blowing along
pair of raccoons
on the side of the road
clearly from the same pack
mating for life
laying down
in the same position
facing the same direction
mirror images
drying in the sun
or lovers?
in the dirt
on the side of the road
Friday, May 31, 2013
on some level
it's about control
and i'm sorry about that
always is
You are the other half of me
as i am the other half of You
and so if there's something
about You
or something You do
that i do not understand
then i'm not understanding myself
i'm unsure of myself
i'm the definition of
the Thing
whatever it is
the particular Thing
that i have failed to understand
about You
about me
is completely
and absolutely
what matters
what's important
is that
everything else
is just window dressing
i need to understand
in order to feel secure
in order to maintain the comfortable illusion
that i have some control over my life
over myself
that I have some understanding of
who i am
where i am
what i'm doing
what the fuck is going on
so when i'm threatened
by my own confusion
i make inquiries
i ask questions
i try to understand
i have to try
i have to
and besides
there's no harm in asking
is there?
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Just The Two Of Us...
itch scratch itch
in my arm above the bicep
where my wedding ring is tattooed under my skin
find an overly large protrusion
never noticed
shouldn't be there
where'd it come from
push pull pinch the flesh
work it out
no pain
pleasant release of pressure as the skin
yellow-white tube
jutting now from the wound
and then it moves
in my flesh
turns black eyes to mine
pleading innocence
to be left alone
to continue consuming me
where it's dark and warm
it Loves me
i know
because it lives inside
my wedding ring
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
it's stupidly sentimental butI always feel a little sad whenit comes time toshut the windowsfor the year andturn on the A/Cor the Heatand start breathing ourelectrically-modulated airI feel as if I'veonly just started towork my way back outinto the world andI'm not readyI'm not ready yet togo back insideand breathe my ownrotten recycled breaththe breath of my city isso much moreso much more delightfulso much more invigoratingso much more intoxicatingso much morethan meI feel slightly lost andalone whenthis life requires that Iwall myself off from thatWorld breathto hibernate throughour hot and cold windsI'm not ready yetI'm never readyI'm still trying to find my wayout
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Half In The Whole...
please let this be
the bottom
and not some lost ledge
abandoned out of sight in the depths
beyond the light
holding me up to
the false hope of
an easy climb back
to the top
to stable grounds
and effortless ability
please let this be
the bottom
the real bottom
I don't think
my bones
could take another
Friday, May 24, 2013
Bad News Beers...
I am definitely drinking too much.
I'm not entirely surprised, or overly concerned, by this. It's to be expected that after abstaining for a year, I would revel a bit in the new found freedom to drink again. It's new and shiny and fun and I want it all right now! And I also expected it to take me a while to learn the ropes again; we have to fuck up in order to learn how to do something right.
But, still, I'm definitely drinking too much. And I need to calm down. Now.
I need to remember that I can't just drink as much as I want, whenever I want. I could die that way. And if I keep it up, I will die that way.
Wake up, motherfucker.
I'm not entirely surprised, or overly concerned, by this. It's to be expected that after abstaining for a year, I would revel a bit in the new found freedom to drink again. It's new and shiny and fun and I want it all right now! And I also expected it to take me a while to learn the ropes again; we have to fuck up in order to learn how to do something right.
But, still, I'm definitely drinking too much. And I need to calm down. Now.
I need to remember that I can't just drink as much as I want, whenever I want. I could die that way. And if I keep it up, I will die that way.
Wake up, motherfucker.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Blah Blurble...
I really want to write something to post here. I have a lot to say right now. But I don't particularly feel like saying any of it. And I'm so busy right now, overwhelmed with so much work, that I can't even find the time to keep up with my email, much less write something. And because of all the work, when I'm home, I'm just desperately trying to relax (largely without success), and don't have the energy to express things I need to express but don't really want to express.
That little slice of nothing is all I have time for right now. And I feel guilty for taking the time to write even that much. (Which is ironic, because the only reason I wrote it at all is to respond to the feeling of guilt I had over not posting.)
That little slice of nothing is all I have time for right now. And I feel guilty for taking the time to write even that much. (Which is ironic, because the only reason I wrote it at all is to respond to the feeling of guilt I had over not posting.)
Monday, May 20, 2013
Having My Favorite Way With You...
when I reminisce aboutour Yesterdaysthe recollections that stand outabove all the restas the most importantthe remembrances that call to melouder than all the othersto retain my attention againand againthe memories that are paintedin the most vivid colorsto recall my mind's eyerepeatedlyand inexorablyare always of those timeswhen I've made youLaughlike thatjust like thatthe laugh I love the mostwhere it seems to almostburst out of youas if you couldn't hold it ineven if you'd wanted towhere your eyes crinkle upthe way they do when you're aboutto cryand your blood rushes to your facerushes to greet meand you become my favoriteshade of pinkjust like thatyou're at your most beautifulhow many times nowhave I made youlose controlthis way?made your body rebelagainst your willmade you shakein uncontrollableecstasythat left you soreand gasping for breath?Not nearly enoughfor of all the waysI can please youpleasure youfor of the whole range of choicesI have at my disposalto make you shudderin uncontainable joythere is not one that returns to mehalf as much delightnor conveys half as muchof my desirenor expresses half as muchof my loveas does the Giftof getting to hear you laughat meuntil you are entirelyspent
Friday, May 17, 2013
Everything I Write Is Narcissistic Crap...
I'm hiding here
in this space where
I keep brutally exposing myself
I'm not really My self
I wear masks
and pseudonyms
and there's certain things I can't say
won't say
because I'm afraid of who will read them
and what they might learn about me
And sometimes I feel that makes
all of this
I am torn between two
equally important desires
I need to be raw here
I need to be violently open
I need to feel free to express
whatever I am feeling
for no other reason than the simple fact that
I am feeling
But I am also afraid
of the reactions I might get
afraid I might hurt someone
afraid of someone I know
learning something about me
that I don't want them to know
afraid they'll use it to hurt me somehow
I need to be wide open
but can only do it behind the safety of a mask
and even that isn't good enough
I still constantly self-censor
I have pages and pages of writings that no one
but me
has ever seen
will ever see
Even now
as I write this
I can't help but wonder at the reactions
I might get
from people I know
in real life
or people I know
in the wire
or people I've
never met
and that wondering changes me
changes my feelings
makes me second-guess
what I'm going to say
The only way my art can ever be
absolutely true
absolutely honest
absolutely Me
is if no one ever reads it
But what good is Expression
without Witness?
I need to have
an audience of strangers
for each poem
total strangers
that I will never have to see again
Or I should tag my poems on walls around town
in the middle of the night
like my little brother
(oh, gods, what if he reads this??!)
Fuck you
I'm leaving it in
Thursday, May 16, 2013
I don't know what to look like anymore.
My hair doesn't match my beard. And neither match my general appearance as a middle-aged boy in tee-shirt and sneakers. My outward "look" has become a mish-mash of favorite pieces culled from various looks I've worn over the years, plus some things I've just made up, all stitched back together like a patchwork riot.
I don't know what to do about this. Or if I should even do anything. It's just something I noticed this morning, and felt I should share. (And it was short. I don't have time to write out any of the other, more important things I have to share, because they are complicated and involved and I am stupid fucking busy right now. [Like, literally, stupid-busy. My busy-ness is directly related to the stupidity of others.])
I guess this situation bothers me, now that I've noticed it. But I'm not quite sure how, exactly. Or why. I think perhaps because it was apparently accidental, and I hadn't noticed it before. Like, I have absolutely no problem going out in public looking like a complete dork. I've done it many times. But in each of those instances, that's what I was going for. In this situation, on the other hand, I don't really know how I look at all. I've been concentrating on the individual elements so closely that I've lost sight of the overall picture of how they all fit together. And I found it disconcerting to suddenly realize, "Oh, shit! How did I end up looking like this?? Does it look good or not? Fuck, I can't even tell anymore! And I have no idea what else I would rather do instead."
Wah, wah; boo hoo. Whatever. Again, not a major problem, but just something I noticed and felt like writing down.
My hair doesn't match my beard. And neither match my general appearance as a middle-aged boy in tee-shirt and sneakers. My outward "look" has become a mish-mash of favorite pieces culled from various looks I've worn over the years, plus some things I've just made up, all stitched back together like a patchwork riot.
I don't know what to do about this. Or if I should even do anything. It's just something I noticed this morning, and felt I should share. (And it was short. I don't have time to write out any of the other, more important things I have to share, because they are complicated and involved and I am stupid fucking busy right now. [Like, literally, stupid-busy. My busy-ness is directly related to the stupidity of others.])
I guess this situation bothers me, now that I've noticed it. But I'm not quite sure how, exactly. Or why. I think perhaps because it was apparently accidental, and I hadn't noticed it before. Like, I have absolutely no problem going out in public looking like a complete dork. I've done it many times. But in each of those instances, that's what I was going for. In this situation, on the other hand, I don't really know how I look at all. I've been concentrating on the individual elements so closely that I've lost sight of the overall picture of how they all fit together. And I found it disconcerting to suddenly realize, "Oh, shit! How did I end up looking like this?? Does it look good or not? Fuck, I can't even tell anymore! And I have no idea what else I would rather do instead."
Wah, wah; boo hoo. Whatever. Again, not a major problem, but just something I noticed and felt like writing down.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The Hole In The Middle Of Every Spring...
I never know how to feel on Mother's Day
My mother killed herself
She checked into a hotel room
without telling anyone
and took a bottle of sleeping pills
one at a time
until they were all gone
and then she laid down
and put herself to sleep
She did it to escape the pain
She did it to save herself
She did it to save us
to save us
from her
from her madness
from her long pain
from her forever scream
She loved us so much
that she died
to protect us
from herself
She gave me life
and then she gave it to me again
saving my life
by sacrificing her own
So whose life
am I really celebrating
And should the flowers
be daisies
or lilies?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Bottled Up...
Another day where I can't bring myself to post anything I've written.
I have so much to say, but I can't bring myself to say any of it.
It's only a matter of time now.
I have so much to say, but I can't bring myself to say any of it.
It's only a matter of time now.
Monday, May 6, 2013
No time to write today. Too much work to do. And I have a lot to write about, but I don't feel that I can actually write about any of it. I mean, I could - I'm capable of writing about it. It's just that it doesn't feel right to do so. It feels wrong to bottle it up, too. But it also feels wrong - in a completely different way - to express it. At least, to express it here. Fucked, either way, I guess.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Further Results...
Well, this is getting downright disappointing. Last night, things got even worse. I'm beginning to feel down about this whole thing. I'm honestly not sure what to do at this point.
Yesterday afternoon, I started to feel restless and anxious. I couldn't pinpoint why, exactly. But that's not entirely unusual for me. What was unusual, was that the feeling steadily grew as the day went on. And then I started to get upset. Just feeling really down, really unhappy. Again, no apparent cause for this emotional state, and again, it grew steadily. By the time I got home from work, I felt like complete shit. I was really depressed, and really unhappy, about nothing in particular, and everything in general.
And I could discern this strange disconnect between my emotional state and the rest of my perception. For instance, something unpleasant would happen, and my mental response would be, "Oh, well," while my emotional response would be, "Oh, gods, WHY??" And I would wonder, why did that emotional response pair with that mental response? They don't fit together. And of the two of them, the mental response seemed a more appropriate and accurate reflection of the event that triggered it; the emotional response seems over-the-top and uncalled for. And that kind of thing kept happening over and over again.
Eventually I began to realize that one of my worst fears about this experiment seemed to be coming to pass. I was clearly depressed, that much was obvious. And it seemed likely that this was another of those backlash chemical depressions that have followed any and every intoxication I've experienced this past year.
Only one way to be sure. Have to test the theory. I hadn't been planning to drink last night, because I didn't want to immediately start off drinking every day again. My plan is not to have a drink unless there's a good reason. (And neither "it's Thursday night" nor "I just got home from work" qualify as good reasons to drink.) But if I had a drink, and the depression and anxiety went away, then I would know that it was definitely chemical withdrawal that caused it.
So I had a shot of tequila. And immediately felt that dizzy sickness again. And then I started to feel better.
A little while later, I had another shot. And then I felt perfectly normal. No depression, no anxiety. Nice and relaxed.
So, now I know. On top of no longer being able to enjoy it the way that I used to, the way that I would like to, I will also have to deal with the fact that any time I take a drink, I am then going to have to deal with a deep depression, for which the only cures are to either let it run its course, however long it takes (days, weeks, months - I've experienced all of those at various points this past year), or to have another drink.
To say that I am discouraged by these findings would be rather an understatement.
Yesterday afternoon, I started to feel restless and anxious. I couldn't pinpoint why, exactly. But that's not entirely unusual for me. What was unusual, was that the feeling steadily grew as the day went on. And then I started to get upset. Just feeling really down, really unhappy. Again, no apparent cause for this emotional state, and again, it grew steadily. By the time I got home from work, I felt like complete shit. I was really depressed, and really unhappy, about nothing in particular, and everything in general.
And I could discern this strange disconnect between my emotional state and the rest of my perception. For instance, something unpleasant would happen, and my mental response would be, "Oh, well," while my emotional response would be, "Oh, gods, WHY??" And I would wonder, why did that emotional response pair with that mental response? They don't fit together. And of the two of them, the mental response seemed a more appropriate and accurate reflection of the event that triggered it; the emotional response seems over-the-top and uncalled for. And that kind of thing kept happening over and over again.
Eventually I began to realize that one of my worst fears about this experiment seemed to be coming to pass. I was clearly depressed, that much was obvious. And it seemed likely that this was another of those backlash chemical depressions that have followed any and every intoxication I've experienced this past year.
Only one way to be sure. Have to test the theory. I hadn't been planning to drink last night, because I didn't want to immediately start off drinking every day again. My plan is not to have a drink unless there's a good reason. (And neither "it's Thursday night" nor "I just got home from work" qualify as good reasons to drink.) But if I had a drink, and the depression and anxiety went away, then I would know that it was definitely chemical withdrawal that caused it.
So I had a shot of tequila. And immediately felt that dizzy sickness again. And then I started to feel better.
A little while later, I had another shot. And then I felt perfectly normal. No depression, no anxiety. Nice and relaxed.
So, now I know. On top of no longer being able to enjoy it the way that I used to, the way that I would like to, I will also have to deal with the fact that any time I take a drink, I am then going to have to deal with a deep depression, for which the only cures are to either let it run its course, however long it takes (days, weeks, months - I've experienced all of those at various points this past year), or to have another drink.
To say that I am discouraged by these findings would be rather an understatement.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Preliminary Results...
Okay, that was not at all what I expected.
I didn't actually know what to expect, exactly, but I had some ideas that seemed plausible and/or probable. But what actually happened was something I had never even thought of.
For starters, it was a lot harder to actually do than I thought it would be. Holding a bottle of beer in my hand for the first time in a year, I was surprised by how difficult it was to make myself take a drink. I assumed I would be jumping right into that bottle. But I'd been entirely focused on not drinking for an entire year of my life. And knowing that as soon as I took that first sip, all of that was done, over, finished, made it difficult to do. I had to intentionally and purposefully bring to an end something that I had invested a lot of time and energy into. And I had a lot of mixed feelings about that. It wasn't all happiness and "yeah, I did it!" It was a lot more "I can't believe it's over" and "am I sure about this?" It was very strange. And, as I said, unexpected.
Also unexpected was the degree to which my tolerance has tanked. I knew that my tolerance would be significantly lower than it was a year ago, but I don't think my tolerance has ever been as low as it is right now. I was noticeably altered from a half of a beer. And not just a little bit, either. It was almost overwhelming. From a half of a beer.
But the worst thing - and I really never, ever saw this coming - was that I didn't actually enjoy it. Any of it. I couldn't find any of the sensations I used to enjoy about it. It was a wholly different experience now, and I didn't like it. I just felt dizzy and nauseated. None of the happiness or relaxation that I've come to expect from alcohol.
I was prepared for the possibility of liking it too much. It never occurred to me that I might not like it at all. And I'm finding myself really upset about that. I liked enjoying alcohol. And all I wanted to do here was try and learn how to enjoy it in a responsible way. I never would've done this if I'd known that it was going to completely eliminate my ability to enjoy it at all.
All I wanted to do was try and learn how to drink in moderation. Not become someone who can't drink, and doesn't want to.
Now what?
I didn't actually know what to expect, exactly, but I had some ideas that seemed plausible and/or probable. But what actually happened was something I had never even thought of.
For starters, it was a lot harder to actually do than I thought it would be. Holding a bottle of beer in my hand for the first time in a year, I was surprised by how difficult it was to make myself take a drink. I assumed I would be jumping right into that bottle. But I'd been entirely focused on not drinking for an entire year of my life. And knowing that as soon as I took that first sip, all of that was done, over, finished, made it difficult to do. I had to intentionally and purposefully bring to an end something that I had invested a lot of time and energy into. And I had a lot of mixed feelings about that. It wasn't all happiness and "yeah, I did it!" It was a lot more "I can't believe it's over" and "am I sure about this?" It was very strange. And, as I said, unexpected.
Also unexpected was the degree to which my tolerance has tanked. I knew that my tolerance would be significantly lower than it was a year ago, but I don't think my tolerance has ever been as low as it is right now. I was noticeably altered from a half of a beer. And not just a little bit, either. It was almost overwhelming. From a half of a beer.
But the worst thing - and I really never, ever saw this coming - was that I didn't actually enjoy it. Any of it. I couldn't find any of the sensations I used to enjoy about it. It was a wholly different experience now, and I didn't like it. I just felt dizzy and nauseated. None of the happiness or relaxation that I've come to expect from alcohol.
I was prepared for the possibility of liking it too much. It never occurred to me that I might not like it at all. And I'm finding myself really upset about that. I liked enjoying alcohol. And all I wanted to do here was try and learn how to enjoy it in a responsible way. I never would've done this if I'd known that it was going to completely eliminate my ability to enjoy it at all.
All I wanted to do was try and learn how to drink in moderation. Not become someone who can't drink, and doesn't want to.
Now what?
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Lost Summerisle's Longing...
make your Gift
to The Queen of the May
let the blood run brilliant hot
a boiling Gift
of life-made-death
to bring Light for a New Year to come
sharpen your blade
and polish the stone
for The Queen and Her Kingdom of Sun
let the fires burn bright
three stories high
heat Her throne in the heavens above
drink of Her wine
down to your bones
let the Wild come into you freely
dance naked your Joy
come loud to the stars
Her pleasure move through you completely
drown in the flesh
of lovers all 'round
get lost in Abandon's display
and bathe in the blood
of a Life now re-born
All Hail The Queen of the May
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
A Dreaming For Witches' Night...
Seeking the Enchanted Wood
beyond the Gate of Dreams
again another night
naked but for my Silver Key
that heavy antique carved
with undecipherable
stolen from the Messenger
of the Faceless One
hung from a chain around my neck
the Key to the Dreaming
a comfortable weight against my chest
I descend those too-familiar
Seventy Steps of Light Slumber
ancient worn stone cold under my bare feet
climbing down through the dusky emptiness of Pre-Dreaming
until they suddenly end
at Nothing at all
Without hesitation
(I've been here so many many times before)
I take the leap
and step off into emptiness
and enter the hidden Cavern of Flame
In the far corner of that inky darkness I can almost see
the shadowed forms
of Nasht
and Kaman-Thah
the Gatekeepers
whose temple this is
those towering black figures
bare-chested with carved, curved beards
and elaborate head-dress
stand stone-still but all-aware
waiting to judge my worthiness
I perform for them
a different routine every night
to demonstrate my power
my understanding
my worthiness to traverse The Dreamlands beyond
as most nights
I begin by conjuring myself a robe
a simple black thawb with cleric's collar
hemmed just below the knee
black linen gi pants
in the Thai style
and comfortable black tabi boots for my feet
Now dressed appropriately
I begin the ritual proper
so They may see
my mastery of The Dream
I rise myself up to float in the center of the cavern
in lotus-posture
and expand out from my center
a dodecahedral lattice-work of blue plasma
until it fills the space
and I float serenely in its center
From each pentagonal face of this construct
I then project white-hot jets of flame
offensive defense
effective ward against
the many horrors that await a Dreamer
But here in this realm of un-real
this is but simple hedge-magick
They require better of me
I reach out
and project myself
to the far end of the cavern
and instantly I am there
And then again
and then again
teleporting myself around the cavern
disappearing and re-appearing at random points
to demonstrate my control of Self
and reality here
They continue to stare down at me
black and stone-faced
I draw my perception down into the center of my form
and push Out
against my flesh
against my skin
until I feel it begin to tear
down my back
and I keep pushing
and Out
until it all comes free in one blood-soaked blur of agony
and I am left standing as
naked muscle sinew bone and nerve
From the scraps of my skin I fashion
a new robe to wear
to show them
my immunity to the horrors I will face beyond
they consent
From the center of the cavern erupts
the Pillar of Flame
floor to ceiling
I step into it
and my flesh-robe self-sacrifice burns away to ash in an instant
the price paid for passage
but I am left unsinged
and after a moment I step free from the flame
with a new skin
and again re-robed, as before
black thawb and gi and tabi
but now also something new
something never experienced before
(every night
something never experienced before)
something not of my own crafting
a blue turban
electric royal blue
adorned with an onyx jewel
I do not understand this gift
or who
or what
might be the giver
but I accept
with gratitude
An open door appears in the cavern wall in front of me
and I step through
and begin my descent
of the Seven Hundred Steps of Deeper Slumber
gleaming black stone staircase
descending into darkness
through an empty night
I know that at the bottom of these stairs lies
the Enchanted Wood
and further beyond the rest of The Dreamlands
Ulthar and Dylath-Leen
Oriab and Celephaïs
Leng and unknown Kadath
and as I descend further and further
and closer to the Dream
I can feel my Self coming apart
as if dissolving into mist
and I try to hold my Self together
and focus on those far-away lands
and their cities of Dreaming
and remember how much I long to see them
how every night I long to see them
and I try
and I try harder
and I take another step
and I am gone
And then I am awake
I will try again tonight
as I try every night
and I will make my way to the Cavern of Flame
and I will perform my tricks for the Gatekeepers
and I will begin my descent of the Seven Hundred Steps of Deeper Slumber
and one night
maybe tonight
I will make it all the way
to the bottom
to the Enchanted Wood
and to the Dream beyond
and I won't ever
have to return
Monday, April 29, 2013
Falling Back Screaming...
Tomorrow night, at sundown.
I can't believe it's almost here. The other end of this beginning. It's almost staggering, really. It's very difficult to concentrate on anything else. And every hour seems to crawl slower and slower, the closer I get to the finish line.
I wish I was happier about it all. I thought I would be. I always thought this would be a joyous moment of celebration and triumph. But I don't feel any of that. I'm just anxious and worried. I don't know what about, exactly. Just fear of the unknown, I guess. And I'm kinda pissed off, too. But that's unrelated. Just getting in the way, and making everything just that much more confusing and difficult.
And disappointed, too. Because I was looking forward to this so much, and I worked so hard to get here, and it just seems really unfair for me to not be enjoying it now. I feel like I earned this, bought it with pain and sacrifice, but now in the end I'm not getting my reward. Just seems wrong. Fucking cosmic gyp.
But I think I'm looking at it the wrong way. I've been so obsessed with this moment over the last few weeks, that I've lost my focus. It's not about this moment. It was never about this moment. When I decided to do this one year ago, it wasn't so that I could feel happy when it was all over. It was about the experience of the past year. It was about learning, and growing, and earning another opportunity to shape myself to the form that I want. This moment was inevitable, but it wasn't the point.
I don't need to enjoy this. Any more than I needed to enjoy the past year. I just need to do it.
And maybe that's all this is, really: natural grief over the end of something important to me, something I've spent a significant period of my life focused on, and working toward. Every ending is also a new beginning of something else. And grief is a natural response to an ending. And since I don't know what to expect from this new beginning, there's little joy or excitement about what-comes-next to temper that grief. And so I just end up feeling sad and anxious, when it seems like I should feel proud and elated.
And the bitter irony of it all is, all this just leaves me feeling like I could really use a drink.
I can't believe it's almost here. The other end of this beginning. It's almost staggering, really. It's very difficult to concentrate on anything else. And every hour seems to crawl slower and slower, the closer I get to the finish line.
I wish I was happier about it all. I thought I would be. I always thought this would be a joyous moment of celebration and triumph. But I don't feel any of that. I'm just anxious and worried. I don't know what about, exactly. Just fear of the unknown, I guess. And I'm kinda pissed off, too. But that's unrelated. Just getting in the way, and making everything just that much more confusing and difficult.
And disappointed, too. Because I was looking forward to this so much, and I worked so hard to get here, and it just seems really unfair for me to not be enjoying it now. I feel like I earned this, bought it with pain and sacrifice, but now in the end I'm not getting my reward. Just seems wrong. Fucking cosmic gyp.
But I think I'm looking at it the wrong way. I've been so obsessed with this moment over the last few weeks, that I've lost my focus. It's not about this moment. It was never about this moment. When I decided to do this one year ago, it wasn't so that I could feel happy when it was all over. It was about the experience of the past year. It was about learning, and growing, and earning another opportunity to shape myself to the form that I want. This moment was inevitable, but it wasn't the point.
I don't need to enjoy this. Any more than I needed to enjoy the past year. I just need to do it.
And maybe that's all this is, really: natural grief over the end of something important to me, something I've spent a significant period of my life focused on, and working toward. Every ending is also a new beginning of something else. And grief is a natural response to an ending. And since I don't know what to expect from this new beginning, there's little joy or excitement about what-comes-next to temper that grief. And so I just end up feeling sad and anxious, when it seems like I should feel proud and elated.
And the bitter irony of it all is, all this just leaves me feeling like I could really use a drink.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tech Solace...
I got a wide-screen HD monitor for my work computer today. It's beautiful, and it makes me happy.
I wish it didn't make me so happy.
I wish I had some other reason to feel that way right now.
I wish it didn't make me so happy.
I wish I had some other reason to feel that way right now.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Exercise #4 - Painstuck...
why can't i write?
i'm feeling so much and it hurts too much and i can't think of anything to say about it
i can't think of anything to say
not a single goddamned thing and i just want it out out OUT GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME
just stop just go away and leave me alone
i can't take this it's just too much
i could take it if i could write about it if i could describe it if i could express it but i can't
it's just stuck it's overwhelming it's too big to fit inside my massive body and i feel like i'm going to split open
and i need to get it out but i don't know what it is and i don't know where it is and
i don't know what to say
i don't know how to say it i don't know i don't know i don't know
I hate those words so much.
this is an act of desperation trying to find the pressure-release valve in my mind to find the off button in my chest
each new line like pulling one of my own teeth
just trying to get the words to drain from my fingertips until i'm empty and numb but they won't come
the words won't come
just words about the words but not the words i need just empty useless mute words that laugh in my face
when all i want to do is scream at the top of my lungs GO FUCK YOURSELF
please just go fuck yourself to death and get away from me i hate you so fucking much
still not right still can't write that's not what i need to say just a violent reaction to the words stuck in my throat
oh gods it hurts so fucking much just make it stop just make it stop whatever you want just make it stop
just don't make me say i'm sorry
just don't make me say i'm wrong
just let me keep my pride please just let me keep my pride don't make me humiliate myself just to end the pain
I'm doing this to myself.
you did this to me but i'm doing this to myself because i know how to end it but i won't because
i don't want to
i don't want to pay that price
i'd rather respect myself in agony
than hate myself contentedly
so i'll hate you instead
and torture myself enough
for the both of us
i'm feeling so much and it hurts too much and i can't think of anything to say about it
i can't think of anything to say
not a single goddamned thing and i just want it out out OUT GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME
just stop just go away and leave me alone
i can't take this it's just too much
i could take it if i could write about it if i could describe it if i could express it but i can't
it's just stuck it's overwhelming it's too big to fit inside my massive body and i feel like i'm going to split open
and i need to get it out but i don't know what it is and i don't know where it is and
i don't know what to say
i don't know how to say it i don't know i don't know i don't know
I hate those words so much.
this is an act of desperation trying to find the pressure-release valve in my mind to find the off button in my chest
each new line like pulling one of my own teeth
just trying to get the words to drain from my fingertips until i'm empty and numb but they won't come
the words won't come
just words about the words but not the words i need just empty useless mute words that laugh in my face
when all i want to do is scream at the top of my lungs GO FUCK YOURSELF
please just go fuck yourself to death and get away from me i hate you so fucking much
still not right still can't write that's not what i need to say just a violent reaction to the words stuck in my throat
oh gods it hurts so fucking much just make it stop just make it stop whatever you want just make it stop
just don't make me say i'm sorry
just don't make me say i'm wrong
just let me keep my pride please just let me keep my pride don't make me humiliate myself just to end the pain
I'm doing this to myself.
you did this to me but i'm doing this to myself because i know how to end it but i won't because
i don't want to
i don't want to pay that price
i'd rather respect myself in agony
than hate myself contentedly
so i'll hate you instead
and torture myself enough
for the both of us
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Fifty-one Down...
Only one week left. Just seven days (and three hours) from now, I will have completed one of the most significant accomplishments of my life so far.
I wish I knew how to feel about that.
I wish I knew how to feel about that.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Mondays are always extra busy, and today was worse than usual. Combine that with no particular inspiration, and I end up with another nothing post about how I have nothing to say.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
In Sheep's Clothing...
I love seeing the looks
on the faces of the shopkeepers
in the occult store down the block
sudden surprise
or annoyance
immediately morphing into pleasant
shop-keep smiles
I don't look like I belong there
they think I'm a tourist
come to gawk at them
or that I'm gift shopping for a
hippie-witch friend
or relative
They have no idea
until I decide to
open my mouth
and tell them what I need
why I'm there
and they hear me use the words
suddenly realize I'm serious
I know what I'm talking about
I know what I'm doing
and they take a step back
and look me up and down
as if to say
I used to look the obvious occultist
when I was younger
and still learning
passing me on the street
one would've not been at all surprised to learn
that I was a black magickian
one might've even assumed that
to begin with
just by my outfit
But that was a long time ago
Now to all outward appearance
I could be any other computer nerd
But I'm still a cultist
though a different colour now
I learned the value of
not broadcasting myself
my every intimate personality trait
to anyone who happens to pass me on the street
I learned to pass
as a Normal
as a Mundane
(please don't make me say
and now no one notices me
I can go about my daily business
and my sorcerous shenanigans
without attracting unwanted attention
without arousing any suspicions
of satanic blood pacts
or virgin sacrifices made
to blind idiot gods
which makes everything so much more
But sometimes I forget
that the Me people see
isn't really me
until I see the shopkeeper's face
down at The Magick Box
at Bell, Book, and Candle
at Foxcraft's
at The Crystal Cauldron
or whatever it calls itself today
in this particular town
I'm there to buy a component
some specific mineral
or herb
or root
or ritual tool
or color of candle
required for some particular spell
or sigilization
or pathworking
or ceremony
or casting
Magick is now modern
and so when I need the dried petals
of a rare and deadly Black Lotus blossom
to throw a curse on the drug-dealing thug
who moved in across the street
and keeps threatening my neighbors
for the crime of daring to look
in his direction
I don't need to form an expedition to Tibet
to climb the peak of
the only mountain where it grows
no, I'm an American
other people do the hard work
so I can simply pull out a credit card
and laugh silently to myself
at the look on the shopkeeper's face
that says
What on Earth
does he
want with that??
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
About To Get Wet...
thirteen days
and I'm feeling unlucky
less than two weeks
I break this self-imposed fast
and I don't know
what I'm feeling
so excited
overly anxious
prematurely proud
it will all go wrong
I've never wanted
a drink
more than I do right now
and every day
that is true
all over again
how will I feel
with three days to go?
with two?
that first sip of whiskey
might make me cry
what if I can't handle it
what if I get depressed again
what if I lose my creativity
what if I can't write anymore
what if I can write
but I don't want to
what if I can write
and I want to
but I don't feel anything when I do
what if I don't feel anything
I only learned
to express myself
when I stopped
only started to write
when I dried up
so now I'm afraid
dipping my toe back
into that
golden Kentucky spring
could take that all away from me
and I don't know
what I'd do without this
how I'd deal without this
who I'd be without this
joy of
turning inward
feeling around
pulling something out
pouring over it
crafting it
shaping it
until it's just right
and then
casting it out
into the universe
to be its own
if I have to choose
I know what I'll choose
but either way
I'll lose
I love
and I won't be
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Three-hundred Fifty-one...
Only two weeks left.
Two weeks from today, I will drink a beer. A Guinness. In a bottle. And then I will have a glass of whiskey. Eagle Rare bourbon, my favorite. On the rocks, in my favorite glass tumbler. And who knows what else after that.
I can't tell what I'm feeling. Something like excitement, but not quite. Almost anxiety, but not exactly. Anticipation? Fear? Some jumbled soup of them all, most likely.
I want it so badly. I've never wanted a drink this much in my entire life. I want a drink right now more than I ever, ever wanted a drink when I actually was drinking.
I feel so proud of myself for actually accomplishing this.
I feel guilty for feeling this way, and I try to suppress it, reminding myself that I haven't actually accomplished anything yet. I have two weeks left to go. I can feel proud then. And celebrate with a drink.
I'm so scared that something bad is going to happen. That I'm going to go off the deep end and lose control in some way that I never have before. That I'm going to end up in another of those deep chemical depressions. That I'm going to lose all of my creativity and desire to express myself. That I'm going to lose the ability to write poetry. Or worse, that I'm going to lose the ability to enjoy writing. I'm scared of some other bad result that I haven't even thought of.
I'm scared of the fact that I don't know what's going to happen.
But I have to find out.
I have to know if I can handle it or not.
I have to find out how else the last year has changed me.
Two weeks from today, I will drink a beer. A Guinness. In a bottle. And then I will have a glass of whiskey. Eagle Rare bourbon, my favorite. On the rocks, in my favorite glass tumbler. And who knows what else after that.
I can't tell what I'm feeling. Something like excitement, but not quite. Almost anxiety, but not exactly. Anticipation? Fear? Some jumbled soup of them all, most likely.
I want it so badly. I've never wanted a drink this much in my entire life. I want a drink right now more than I ever, ever wanted a drink when I actually was drinking.
I feel so proud of myself for actually accomplishing this.
I feel guilty for feeling this way, and I try to suppress it, reminding myself that I haven't actually accomplished anything yet. I have two weeks left to go. I can feel proud then. And celebrate with a drink.
I'm so scared that something bad is going to happen. That I'm going to go off the deep end and lose control in some way that I never have before. That I'm going to end up in another of those deep chemical depressions. That I'm going to lose all of my creativity and desire to express myself. That I'm going to lose the ability to write poetry. Or worse, that I'm going to lose the ability to enjoy writing. I'm scared of some other bad result that I haven't even thought of.
I'm scared of the fact that I don't know what's going to happen.
But I have to find out.
I have to know if I can handle it or not.
I have to find out how else the last year has changed me.
Monday, April 15, 2013
I Require Servitude...
had a minor-league nightmare
last night
thinking I forgot
to pay my taxes
which is so unfair
I did my taxes
almost a month ago
to avoid
exactly this
this morning
I realized
just how much
I truly
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Subjugation For Spring...
it's all about sex
it's always about sex
no matter what else is between us
no matter what our hearts are telling us
what always brings me back
in the end
is the sex
we wrap it up in layers
of beautiful poetry
romantic ideals
but the heart is fickle
and fluid
it waxes and wanes and
wanders and wonders
while the body is constant
and so simple
the flesh Wants
nothing more
and so in the end
that is all that matters
we wrap it up in layers
of beautiful poetry
romantic ideals
but the heart is fickle
and fluid
it waxes and wanes and
wanders and wonders
while the body is constant
and so simple
the flesh Wants
nothing more
and so in the end
that is all that matters
that I see you every day
every night
can't escape it
even if I really wanted to
can't escape it
even if I really wanted to
maybe it's the curve
of a hip
suddenly exposed
when your pants slip a little too low
maybe it's the sway
of a heavy breast
beneath your loose top
maybe it's the conspicuous
surreptitious sighting
surreptitious sighting
of a hard nipple
or two
pressing through
your too-thin tee-shirt
maybe it's all your cute
hanging up to dry
maybe I glimpse you
getting out of the shower
or catch sight of you
getting changed
or you're sleeping nude
above the covers
in the warm still night
I try to avoid it
I try not to see
but you're all around me
I try not to notice
or let myself care
but I can feel your heat
next to me
in our bed
next to me
in our bed
and I want so badly
to warm myself in you
to bathe in you
to luxuriate in you
lingering everywhere
to bathe in you
to luxuriate in you
lingering everywhere
your every curve pulls at me
your body's gravity
drawing me in
ignoring my will
tying me around your waist
to dangle and sway
against your flesh
all ways
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Pyrus Calleryana...
where I live
the blooming of the Bradford Pear
is always the first flower of Spring
a tree filled with tiny
bright white blossoms
raining petals like snow
a pastoral picture of seasonal beauty
scene in almost every suburban community
but the flowers give off
a powerful stench
like rotten fruit
or an infected wound
or a diseased crotch
that hangs in the air forever
like a fog of swampgas
I hate the smell of Bradford Pear
it can hit me from a block away
and stay with me for hours
pounding at my sinuses until
I think my head will explode
it overwhelms everything
for the first few weeks
of every Spring
and even though it makes me miserable
and even though I hate it
and even though it stinks all to hell
because it is the first sign of life
the first sign of Spring
every Spring
it always makes me feel
so happy
a delicious pain
reminding me
that I am alive
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Eye Heart Trash...
three days in row now
I've seen flowers in the trash
outside of her office
not old flowers
not dead flowers
not cleaning-out-my-valentine's-day-vase flowers
new flowers
blossoming flowers
roses and carnations
all vibrant reds and soft creams and sexual pinks
three days in a row now
each day a new bouquet
blooming from her wastebasket
on the floor outside her office door
adding floral notes to the remains
of her discarded lunch
making her garbage look like
it's gotten dressed up
to go on a date
at the dump
looking like a first-year art student's
commentary on still-life
or on the notion of "romance"
And I wonder
who hurt her
and how
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