Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Band-aid Blurble...

Still crazy busy.  It's rare that I'm actually tired after a day of work; even when I've got a lot to do, my job just isn't that difficult for me.  But I'm working really hard, and really fast, and I can feel that's taken it out of me today.  And I'm not even one-tenth of the way through this task yet.

Don't look up the hill.  Just keep your head down and keep climbing.

I'm going to need to find some time to write soon here, though, or I'm going to start getting depressed.  It hasn't started to bother me yet, but I know it will, and that makes me anxious.  Every day I don't write feels like I'm doing something wrong; like I'm doing something bad that I know will make me sick if I keep it up.

Saying that here helps, but it's a band-aid, at best.  It's not a cure.

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