Finally made it back to the gym today.
Once I miss a few days at the gym, I always find it incredibly difficult to make it back. Not because I have trouble forcing myself to do it. On the contrary, I really want to get back as soon as possible; I honestly enjoy working out, and I feel like crap when I don't get my workouts nowadays. It's just that once I miss a couple of workouts, my body enters what I call The Crap Energy Loop.
When I work out, I use up energy, and I end up getting tired earlier, so I get to bed at a reasonable time, and sleep better, and wake up at a reasonable time, feeling well-rested. So, once I miss a couple of trips to the gym, this cycle gets thrown all out of whack. Soon a night will come where it is past time for me to go to bed, but because I have all this extra energy from not working out, I'm not tired. I go to bed anyways, but then have trouble falling asleep. And then I don't sleep very well that night, so when my alarm goes off in the morning, I'm still really tired and don't feel rested at all. So then I end up over-sleeping trying to make up for the good sleep I missed the night before, which means I don't make it out the door early enough to make it to the gym before work, and so I miss another workout, and the cycle continues.
I've been stuck in the Crap Energy Loop ever since I got sick. I missed a week of working out while I was at the AGM, and then I missed another week when I got back just getting over being sick, and it was looking like I was going to miss another week to the CEL.
The last couple of times I've been stuck in the CEL, I've been able to break the cycle by biting the bullet and working out after work instead of before. I hate to do that (the gym is really crowded in the evenings compared to the mornings, and when I'm done in the office all I want to do is go home), but it uses up that excess energy, and gets my sleep cycle back on track. But with all the extra hours I've been spending in the office on this project the last couple of weeks, I couldn't even find the time to get to the gym after work, either.
So, I finally managed to drag myself in this morning, exhausted. Only fifteen minutes on the elliptical, and I was dizzy. Didn't even bother with weights this time. Just taking it slow; trying to get back on the horse without falling off.
Here's hoping I sleep like a baby tonight.
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