Friday, June 29, 2012

Kickball - Week 10...

Half our team didn't even show up again this week, including our pitcher.  It was hot, humid, and buggy out there last night, and, unsurprisingly, we got our asses handed to us, again.


          -once again, traded innings with the old guy out in left field - he originally had me out there the
           whole game, and had two of the girls trading innings, until someone pointed out that according
           to league rules, that would be mean we wouldn't have enough girls in the field every inning - so
           the girls got to play the whole game, and I only got to play half the game

          -one ball got kicked along the ground into left field, and I ended up having to run for it - trying to
           get it back to the infield to stop the runner heading for Home, I only managed to throw it an
           embarrassing ten feet (that ball is so big, and so light, that it's basically impossible to throw it
           with any distance or accuracy, unless you have gigantic, basketball-player hands - which I do
           not) - the runner ended up scoring easily

          -in the last inning, a ball was kicked right to me - perfect arc, straight to my chest - I didn't
           even have to take a single step in any direction - all I had to do was not drop it - and I
           FINALLY managed to do something right! - I caught the fucking ball!  In an actual
           game! - that was the third out to end their half of the inning, and my very first (and so far, only)
           out of the season

          -I felt pretty good about that, for about ten seconds - then everyone started to congratulate
           me - I know they were trying to be nice, and encouraging, and I know that I'm supposed to
           have enjoyed the praise and felt good about what I'd done, but it just ended up souring the
           whole experience for me - they were all so overly-congratulatory - "Wow!  Way to go, man!
           Good job!  I know you've been waiting for that one for a long time!  Awesome!  Great
           catch!" - even people on the other team were coming up and literally patting me on the back
           and saying "Great catch, man!" - but it wasn't a great catch! - it was the easiest catch in the
           fucking world! - and everyone overflowing with gratitude at my ability to not fuck up the easiest
           play of the game just seemed to exacerbate my humiliation

          -again, I know that I really should've taken the compliment for what it was and just been happy
           to receive the support and congratulations - and I honestly wish I could've - but it all just came
           across more like "Pats for Patrick" than honest praise for a job well-done


          -the first few games in the season I was kicking away, and getting on base a little less than
           half the time - then our coach decided we should all be bunting - my first bunting game went
           well, but since then it's been nothing but easy pop-outs caught by the pitcher or (even worse)
           the catcher, and I've only made it on base once with a bunt since that first game

          -so, this game, I decided to hell with my coach, I'm going to start kicking away again - unless
           I'm the first kicker in the inning, because strategy dictates that the first kicker should always
           bunt to try to get on base - besides, I've only been the first kicker in the inning one other time
           all season

          -I was the first kicker in the inning for both of my kicks this game

          -went ahead and bunted - both were easy outs - another dreaded pop-out caught by the
           catcher, and one where I actually managed to get off a bit of a kick, but they were just quicker
           than me and threw me out at 1st


          -we scored 1 run - they scored many, many, many more


          -only emotional

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